When my son Jimmy was young, circa second or third grade, he shared with me that he was pondering – as children often do – some of the secrets of the universe. I recall the conversation going something like this: “Mom, I have an idea about how we get into heaven.” “Why are you thinking about that?” “Don’t know. So, when we’re born we get 100 sins.” “OK…” “We get to make 100 mistakes. Anymore, and we don’t get into heaven.” “How did you come up with this?” “Don’t know. Thing … [Read more...]
The 12 Broads of Christmas
Jerry Lewis has it wrong. For years he’s been stumbling over the idea that women can - or can't - be funny. OK, he’s 88 years old, so maybe we should cut him a little slack and not go straight to what an uber-schmuck. On the other hand, come on dude! It’s almost 2015, do we really need to have this discussion? photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/numberstumper/112564031/">numberstumper</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a … [Read more...]
That’s What He Said
Psst! Hey, it’s me, the Hubs. Kimba is off snoozing away in a turkey-induced tryptophan coma. She left her blog dashboard open! I’m grabbing what may be my one and only chance to set the record straight regarding a few things. Image provided courtesy of Pixabay - http://pixabay.com/en/sleeping-reading-woman-reader-book-32750/ Kimba is a great storyteller as well as a fabulous wife, mother, and friend. But over the years she's gotten a few things wrong during her tall tale telling. Examples … [Read more...]
So Tucked Up
There seems to be quite a bit written lately regarding what couples argue about. Just last week one of my favorite writers, Crystal Ponti, penned a piece for the Huffington Post - 5 Crazy Things Most Couples Fight About. I especially liked Ponti’s take on how assumptions are often the root cause of most misunderstandings and arguments. Ponti is a bit of an expert in this arena: she contributed to the hilarious and recently released Clash of the Couples, which is filled with fabulous tales of … [Read more...]
Stripping Lessons
I’ve tackled many DIY projects throughout my 1980s colonial style house. You’ve experienced my “joys” as I’ve described my budget powder room makeover and my trash to treasure patio re-do. Hubs and I have painted almost every room, pulled up nasty green shag carpet, replaced cabinet handles and hinges, reupholstered chairs and benches, and completed a honey-do list that is varied and extensive. However, for the past 13 years we’ve chosen to ignore one particular room: the spare bathroom … [Read more...]
Mystery Solved: Why Women are Late
A guy friend – not Hubs – recently lamented: Why are women ALWAYS late?? Oh, this is an easy one; I got this. When men leave the house each morning: The TV is on – in every room. Yesterday’s clothes are on the floor. Dirty dishes are in the sink. The kitty litter box is over-flowing. The kids are still in bed. photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/thelotuscarroll/9810243124/">Lotus Carroll</a> via <a … [Read more...]
Stupid Sh*t Said to Women
A friend recently recommended I read the interview of Hillary Clinton by Editor-in-Chief Cindi Leive of Glamour magazine. This September 2014 article focuses on career advice for women – the article was suggested because I’ve developed a keen interest in the whole “lean in vs be balanced” debate. FYI, excerpts from this interview can we be found online at: http://www.glamour.com/inspired/2014/08/hillary-rodham-clinton-career-lessons (accessed 9-29-14) Clinton’s discussion of what it was like … [Read more...]
A Quotable Woman
September is a magical month. As the transition from summer to fall begins, I find myself appreciating any lingering warm days, knowing that cooler temps are on their way. September brings festivals that celebrate pumpkins and mums, apples and wine (for a few tips regarding those wine festivals you can check out Don't Be the Drunk Girl). What’s not to love?! Image provided courtesy of www.gratisography.com I recently discovered another reason why we should all love this month: … [Read more...]
One Gal’s Trash
My mama raised me right. In our house, nothing ever went to waste. Leftover bacon grease was saved in a can on the kitchen counter. Aluminum foil was reused until it disintegrated. My lil’ brother and I often joke that Mom can spot the sales rack in a store faster than green grass through a goose (I cleaned that one up a bit for you Mom). But it’s not just good common sense instilled from Mom. My thriftiness can be traced to all sides of my gene pool. A couple of years ago my Dad introduced … [Read more...]
My Middle-Aged Bucket
One does not think too much about bucket lists when one is young. You’re too busy rushing forward to be concerned about the things you’re not doing. At least for me, during my first five decades I was full steam ahead, go-go-go, to-do list in hand busily checking off items and then quickly moving on to the next adventure. Hey, I’m a Virgo, of course I had a to-do list: don’t judge. Something started changing the closer I got to Club 50 status. There’s been a small yet perceivable shift in … [Read more...]
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