There seems to be quite a bit written lately regarding what couples argue about. Just last week one of my favorite writers, Crystal Ponti, penned a piece for the Huffington Post - 5 Crazy Things Most Couples Fight About. I especially liked Ponti’s take on how assumptions are often the root cause of most misunderstandings and arguments. Ponti is a bit of an expert in this arena: she contributed to the hilarious and recently released Clash of the Couples, which is filled with fabulous tales of … [Read more...]
My Middle-Aged Bucket
One does not think too much about bucket lists when one is young. You’re too busy rushing forward to be concerned about the things you’re not doing. At least for me, during my first five decades I was full steam ahead, go-go-go, to-do list in hand busily checking off items and then quickly moving on to the next adventure. Hey, I’m a Virgo, of course I had a to-do list: don’t judge. Something started changing the closer I got to Club 50 status. There’s been a small yet perceivable shift in … [Read more...]
Kids Off to College? It’s Going to be OK
(This post was originally published August 2012. I’m re-posting today with a few updates, a nod, and a smile for all those parents who are gently pushing their off-spring out of the nest.) This is not what I had planned to write about today. Today I was going to write about Virgos, those born under the sixth astrological sign. Being that August is our birth month, I was going to pen a little shout out to all my Virgo earth sign peeps and wish them a wonderful day. I was going to give all the … [Read more...]