HUBS: Hey Hon, we gotta get this frig under control. ME: What do you mean? HUBS: It’s a mess. Come on, I can’t even find the mustard. ME: What? Nah. I clean it out every year. HUBS: No way. I bet I can find something in here over a year old. ME: I double dog dare you to find anything in that frig over a year old. In the world of men, a double dog dare is non-negotiable. You just can’t throw that out there willy nilly. If you use it, ya better mean it. Image provided … [Read more...]
Bodacious Babes of the Blogosphere
On this Veteran's Day I'm so grateful for all the men and women who have served this country - especially the Hubs. Thank you for your service. As Thanksgiving is also approaching, I’m pondering my gratitude lists (of course I have lists; Virgo girl here!). I believe it’s time to once again update my favorite of favorite gratitude lists: The Best Bodacious Babes of the Blogosphere – 2016 Edition. Image provided courtesy of … [Read more...]
The Wisdom of the Claw
When our children are born, we envision a life of molding and shaping these small, wonderful creatures into future Nobel Peace Prize winners, champion athletes, and brilliant philosophers. We will bestow upon them all our accumulated life experience and insights and they will be eager receptacles of our knowledge. Yeah, and then day two arrives. The thing is, no one ever tells you that your child will enter this world with a fully formed personality. It might take a while for you as the … [Read more...]
The Best Pals Are Gal Pals
I’ve often been called a “guy’s gal.” This is usually – I think– meant as a compliment. There are some stereotypical masculine pursuits that I do enjoy and which often lead me to rattling around in the boys’ club house. For example, I LOVE football. I’ve followed the Dolphins since 1972 and, as many of you know, I am a “somewhat” crazed FSU fan – GO NOLES! I can fish, tell jokes (yes, especially dirty ones), and have been known to go shot for shot with the gentlemen at the bar. I have yet to … [Read more...]
How I Found My Midlife Tribe
This week, I did something I’ve been waiting to do since April 13th, 2014: I registered for the 2016 Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop (EBWW). EBWW only happens every other year and when the last one ended in 2014, I knew I would be going back in 2016. Why? Because in 2014 I found my tribe of funny, big-hearted, midlife women. And in midlife, it can be tough to find your peeps. In your earlier years, life readily presents opportunities for tribe building. For example, high school, for all its … [Read more...]
The Dirty Dozen Babes of the Blogosphere
As Thanksgiving approaches, I’m reminded of how grateful I am for a family who loves and supports me, a husband who puts up with me, and a son who makes me laugh every day. I have the added joy of announcing that just this week my son Jimmy attained the status of ABD – “All But Dissertation” – in his trek toward doctorhood. Proud mama is bursting with pride as Jimmy moves ever closer to #MYSONTHEDOCTUH! Image provided courtesy of … [Read more...]
The Cat’s Away, Wanna Play?
A gal pal of mine recently told me a fabulous secret (that she gave me permission to share). She loves that her husband genuinely tries to help around the house (there are guys out there like this, it’s not an urban myth). He even cooks! A true keeper, right?! However, he seems to not get the whole idea that you don’t just take out the trash, you do occasionally have to also clean out the bins. However, she doesn’t want to discourage his good deeds, so, she confided that when he is traveling or … [Read more...]
Life Lessons from An Irishman
Today, October 2nd, is my dad’s birthday. It’s kind of a big deal, being that it’s number 75, but I think he wants to keep it a bit low key. That’s alright, it’s his day, he’s entitled to celebrate any way he wants. However, as his daughter, I get to shout: Image provided courtesy of MorgueFile: Image URI: What was happening back in the year Dad was born? Well, let’s see: the first social security benefits were paid (oh, I know Dad is loving this one!); the first … [Read more...]
We Interrupt This Blog
We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog post to make an important announcement: The 2nd edition of I Was In Love With a Short Man Once will be released by Booktrope Publishing on June 23rd! Cover design by Lizzie Russell, WOO HOO! To celebrate, let’s play a game of twenty questions. Here we go: 1. What inspired you to write this book? My nana’s apple pie recipe. Nana made the best apple pies, but she never wrote down the recipe. Now she’s gone and no … [Read more...]
Dear Doctor, Please Speak Human
It’s one of the things we midlifers, hanging out here in the middle-aged cheap seats, most dread: the idea that our parents may someday become ill. On a rational level, we know it’s highly likely that at some point we’ll need to step up and help take care of our moms and dads. But at an emotional level, we want our parents to remain in the driver’s seat, firmly planted in the position of authority figure, indestructible and steadfast. My dread became reality two weeks ago when my kid brother … [Read more...]