Imagine if you will, a standing freezer, an appliance you’ve coveted for years but just couldn’t afford. Now envision your glee when a used, yet still well-functioning, keeper of all things frozen comes available at a neighbor’s garage sale. Score! Majorly awesome find for just $30. The only catch is that the contents are being donated to the local church for a Sunday school project and you will need to wait until the volunteer parishioners come to clean out said freezer in the next week. Seems … [Read more...]
2016: The Year of the Great Shed
Do New Year's resolutions work for you? Nope? Me neither. My ever-present dedication to lose ten lbs, eat less junk food, exercise more, floss daily, and stay out of the sunshine unless I’m wearing SPF1000 sunscreen, somehow always seems to go by the wayside by no later than February 1st. Therefore, for 2016, I’m trying a different approach: I’m creating a doable list devoted to things I can shed/toss/throw away. Who’s with me? Image Provided Courtesy of Morgue File: … [Read more...]
The Dirty Dozen Babes of the Blogosphere
As Thanksgiving approaches, I’m reminded of how grateful I am for a family who loves and supports me, a husband who puts up with me, and a son who makes me laugh every day. I have the added joy of announcing that just this week my son Jimmy attained the status of ABD – “All But Dissertation” – in his trek toward doctorhood. Proud mama is bursting with pride as Jimmy moves ever closer to #MYSONTHEDOCTUH! Image provided courtesy of … [Read more...]
We Interrupt This Blog
We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog post to make an important announcement: The 2nd edition of I Was In Love With a Short Man Once will be released by Booktrope Publishing on June 23rd! Cover design by Lizzie Russell, WOO HOO! To celebrate, let’s play a game of twenty questions. Here we go: 1. What inspired you to write this book? My nana’s apple pie recipe. Nana made the best apple pies, but she never wrote down the recipe. Now she’s gone and no … [Read more...]
Do They Really Throw Chicken Bones?
I’m a southern gal. Born and raised in the South. My mama’s family is from the South. My entire life to date has been lived in the South. However, I recently attended an event that despite my southern pedigree and upbringing had me feeling like a Yankee in King Earnhardt's court. I experienced my first NASCAR race. The National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing–NASCAR–is the governing body over one of the most profitable enterprises in the U.S. Since its beginnings back in 1947, NASCAR … [Read more...]
A Quotable Woman
September is a magical month. As the transition from summer to fall begins, I find myself appreciating any lingering warm days, knowing that cooler temps are on their way. September brings festivals that celebrate pumpkins and mums, apples and wine (for a few tips regarding those wine festivals you can check out Don't Be the Drunk Girl). What’s not to love?! Image provided courtesy of I recently discovered another reason why we should all love this month: … [Read more...]
My Middle-Aged Bucket
One does not think too much about bucket lists when one is young. You’re too busy rushing forward to be concerned about the things you’re not doing. At least for me, during my first five decades I was full steam ahead, go-go-go, to-do list in hand busily checking off items and then quickly moving on to the next adventure. Hey, I’m a Virgo, of course I had a to-do list: don’t judge. Something started changing the closer I got to Club 50 status. There’s been a small yet perceivable shift in … [Read more...]
The Twins Are Not Identical
I’ve been lamenting for a while about my girls, my breasts, the twins. As I’ve reached Club Fifty status they seem to be in a race to see which can reach my knees first (righty is currently in the lead, but lefty is not far behind). No amount of exercise – bicep curls, chest presses, hammer lifts and the like – seems to affect their descent. I’ve become so frustrated that I’ve talked about the possibility of a surgical breast lift. One incredulous friend asked: “Why don’t you just try a … [Read more...]
Shout-Outs for “I Was In Love With a Short Man Once”…
Orangeberry Book Tours 2012 Hall of Fame: The Authors Show, 50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading, Winner, 2012: The Five-Star Reviews Book Corner: Where readers go to find books with at least twenty-five 5-star reviews - AUTHORSdb selects "I Was In Love With a … [Read more...]
Smells Like Football!
When my son Jimmy was six years old, we were coming home one evening and as we stepped up onto the front stoop and I reached to unlock the front door, he looked up at me and said: “Mom, there are frogs in those bushes.” “Oh yeah,” I replied. “How do you know?” “Because I can smell them.” His little beaming face was so excited; I do believe he really could smell those frogs. That kind of glee, that sheer joy of knowing that something exciting is right around the corner, is how I feel every … [Read more...]