On this Veteran's Day I'm so grateful for all the men and women who have served this country - especially the Hubs. Thank you for your service. As Thanksgiving is also approaching, I’m pondering my gratitude lists (of course I have lists; Virgo girl here!). I believe it’s time to once again update my favorite of favorite gratitude lists: The Best Bodacious Babes of the Blogosphere – 2016 Edition. Image provided courtesy of https://www.flickr.com/commons/ … [Read more...]
The Big Girl Panties Society: Rules for Membership
Today we have a guest that's come to hang out with us a bit in the "The Middle-Aged Cheap Seats" - so mind your manners yall! We're joined by Vikki Claflin who writes the award-winning blog, Laugh Lines: http://laugh-lines.net, where she doles out irreverent advice on marriage, offers humorous how-to lists galore, and shares her most embarrassing midlife moments. She shows us how to master midlife with laughter and common sense. The first time I heard someone say “Put on your big girl … [Read more...]
The 12 Broads of Christmas
Jerry Lewis has it wrong. For years he’s been stumbling over the idea that women can - or can't - be funny. OK, he’s 88 years old, so maybe we should cut him a little slack and not go straight to what an uber-schmuck. On the other hand, come on dude! It’s almost 2015, do we really need to have this discussion? photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/numberstumper/112564031/">numberstumper</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a … [Read more...]