Just about every summer my GeeGee would paint the cement floor of her back patio. It was always this glossy battleship grey. We kids loved it because when it was wet it was damn near a slip-n-slide – are those things even around anymore? There’s also a great family story about my Grumps once painting a car – with a brush and leftover house paint. Therefore, when I claim that I come from a long line of DIY painters, I’ve got legit street creds. Back in college, furniture rehab was a necessity. … [Read more...]
One Gal’s Trash
My mama raised me right. In our house, nothing ever went to waste. Leftover bacon grease was saved in a can on the kitchen counter. Aluminum foil was reused until it disintegrated. My lil’ brother and I often joke that Mom can spot the sales rack in a store faster than green grass through a goose (I cleaned that one up a bit for you Mom). But it’s not just good common sense instilled from Mom. My thriftiness can be traced to all sides of my gene pool. A couple of years ago my Dad introduced … [Read more...]