I’ve often been called a “guy’s gal.” This is usually – I think– meant as a compliment. There are some stereotypical masculine pursuits that I do enjoy and which often lead me to rattling around in the boys’ club house. For example, I LOVE football. I’ve followed the Dolphins since 1972 and, as many of you know, I am a “somewhat” crazed FSU fan – GO NOLES! I can fish, tell jokes (yes, especially dirty ones), and have been known to go shot for shot with the gentlemen at the bar. I have yet to … [Read more...]
A Quotable Woman
September is a magical month. As the transition from summer to fall begins, I find myself appreciating any lingering warm days, knowing that cooler temps are on their way. September brings festivals that celebrate pumpkins and mums, apples and wine (for a few tips regarding those wine festivals you can check out Don't Be the Drunk Girl). What’s not to love?! Image provided courtesy of www.gratisography.com I recently discovered another reason why we should all love this month: … [Read more...]
And The Winner Is
Tis the season. Not the holiday season; not baseball season. The season; movie award season. http://flic.kr/p/8D9j2S Hello, my name is Kim, and I'm a movie award show junkie. Hello Kim! I know, I know, this flies in the face of what I should care about; like global warming or world hunger (both important issues, BTW). However, if I’m but one thing up here in the middle-aged cheap seats, it’s honest. And, I honestly love to watch the annual award shows. First up are the Golden Globes (my … [Read more...]
For the Love of Gal Pals
I’ve often been called a “guy’s gal.” This is usually – I think – meant as a compliment. There are some stereotypically masculine pursuits that I do enjoy and which often lead me to rattling around in the boys’ club house. For example, I LOVE football. I’ve followed the Dolphins since 1972 and as many of you know, I am a somewhat crazed FSU fan – GO NOLES! I can fish, tell jokes (yes, especially dirty ones), and have been known to go shot for shot with the gentlemen at the bar. I have yet to … [Read more...]