I’ve tackled many DIY projects throughout my 1980s colonial style house. You’ve experienced my “joys” as I’ve described my budget powder room makeover and my trash to treasure patio re-do. Hubs and I have painted almost every room, pulled up nasty green shag carpet, replaced cabinet handles and hinges, reupholstered chairs and benches, and completed a honey-do list that is varied and extensive. However, for the past 13 years we’ve chosen to ignore one particular room: the spare bathroom upstairs. Why? Because it possessed a hideous case of 1980s floral wallpaper.
It’s never a good idea for this Virgo gal to have down time. Two weeks ago as I faced the perfect storm of delays between contracts, coupled with being caught up on writing assignments and/or in editing lockdown, I pondered how to fill my time. I ambled into the guest bath and, seized by what must have been the demented ghost of bathrooms past, reached over and tore at a strip of peeling paper. At that moment of impulsive stupidity, I had committed to taking on this long avoided project.
These weeks of scraping, tearing, swearing, peeling, rubbing, scrubbing sanding, and stripping have, surprisingly, brought some unique insights. OK, it hasn’t been akin to reaching inner peace or connecting with my chakra. However, I discovered that there is a kind of introspection to the wallpaper removal process that offers some life lessons, stripping lessons if you will. These include:
- Nothing is ever as easy as you think it will be.
- It’s going to get worse before it gets better.
- Patience is a virtue.
4. When you scratch the surface, you might be surprised by what lies beneath.
5. Sometimes you’ll need to tear down to build up.
6. Everyone has an opinion of how something should be done.
7. There are few moments in this life as fulfilling as when you manage to remove all the wallpaper from behind a toilet.
8. Small steps lead to big reveals.
9. A little wine always makes any task more fun.
10. Ya gotta commit to putting in some hard work, no matter how boring.
I’m happy to conclude that after patiently waiting for 13 years, the spare bathroom has now been given the updating it so desperately needed and deserved. I’d love to say I’m officially done, but there’s always the garage, and both offices, and the basement, and the laundry room … oh please let that new contract start soon!
How about you: have you ever received divine inspiration in some unique way?
PS: oh, and here’ a glimpse of the new and improved bathroom. I think she’s mighty purtee…
PPS: And in the interest of full disclosure, I discovered, this morning, this hiding under the sink…
Sonja Pound says
I ABSOLUTELY would not have the patience to do that! In fact, I just hired a person to remove wallpaper from a house we just bought. It’s in every bathroom (4) and laundry room. I would be insane if I attempted. I’m sure there would be some introspection – but probably more #$@& instead. Congrats on your project. Looks great!
Kimba says
Yeah, I don’t think I could tackle four bathrooms. Money well spent on your part!! Oh, and congrats on the new house.
Linda says
You’ve put a smile on my face today! Especially with that last picture. Could happen to me, for sure!
Kimba says
I know, right?! There’s always one last thing you forgot to address…
Donna says
You had me from the beginning!! I love the way you presented this. From one Virgo gal to another, thank you for the laugh and inspiration!!
Kimba says
Thx Virgo gal, hope you are tackling the projects on your list (I KNOW you have a list…)
TERRY says
Oh so can relate !! Great post and you deserve the wine !!
Kimba says
Thx Terry, come on over, Marti and I are going to open a new bottle.
Marquita Herald says
As always each of your insights is brilliant Kimba, but I’m especially fond of #7 and #9. Too funny about the surprise under the sink! I’m currently renting so DIY projects are pretty much off the radar and the 2 homes I did own were both brand new, so I must confess to being a novice when it comes to projects like this, which is probably why I have a special appreciation for stories like yours. 🙂
Kimba says
Come on over Marti and we’ll tackle #9 together!
Bodynsoil says
Great work as a stripper, now crawl behind the sink cabinet and work the pole.. errr strip that paper..
Kimba says
BAHAHA, working the pole, good one! I do think this project will be the closest I come to stripping…
Elaine Ambrose says
Excellent! Now, do you hire out?
Kimba says
Will work for wine and chocolate. Oh, and some of your writing tips!
Lois Alter Mark says
Ha ha! Can you come over and do mine next? I bow to your competence and patience. I would have either 1) painted over the wallpaper 2) hired someone to scrape it off 3) rationalized that the wallpaper was now vintage and I was a trendsetter.
Kimba says
LMAO Lois, you are indeed a trendsetter. However, not sure even you could sell that wallpaper as “vintage.”
Doreen McGettigan says
I had that wallpaper too, it must have been very popular:)
Having just finished scraping the paper off our powder room walls I can just say you are right on with your stripping tips.
I still have to do the painting and tiling part.
Kimba says
Oh, you’re re-tiling too?! God bless you darlin.
Vicki says
Ah..the perfect makeover, once again!Is that a new curtain rod also? I seem to remember the space was tight in the shower. Great job!
Kimba says
Yep, good spot – new curtain, towels and window treatment! All ready for your next visit.
Sharon Greenthal says
Your bathroom is beautiful and your patience and determination are admirable. I could never, ever do this!
Kimba says
Sharon, you are the QUEEN of reinvention – I am sure you could master reinventing a bathroom!
Carol Cassara says
You did a GREAT job! By the way, I used that original wallpaper in a house I had in 1982!I know it intimately.
Kimba says
Carol, it’s amazing how popular that paper seemed to be – lots of folks reporting similar sightings across the U.S!
Danielle says
I had that wallpaper two marriages ago!
Kimba says
LOL, something I’m sure you happily gave up custody!
Hubs says
It does look great Dear …. Well done !!!
Kimba says
Thx Hon. Now, about that garage…
jamie@southmainmuse says
That is a JOB. I’ve only attempted to take down wallpaper borders. My mom — God love her — is a wallpaper freak. V. old school with her interior design. You did a great job.
Kimba says
Your Om is a freak in that she love wallpaper, or is freakishly good at removing it? I hear that wallpaper is making a comeback – really?!
Cathy Chester says
I am in absolutely awe of you. Not only do I want a piece of your energy, but your ability to do such a project like this. Incredible and congrats!
Kimba says
Cathy, I know you could tackle this kind of project!
Christina says
Your bathroom’s new look is beautiful!!! Your story is inspiring, because it makes me feel like it’s never too late to jump back in and tackle an old project that’s been on the back-burner.
Kimba says
My back burner is forever crowded …