Hola chicas. You might've noticed that I've been a bit MIA lately. I'm taking a time-out to dedicate some time to... a novel! Actually, it's a series (working title of first in the series: "Something in the Water") as well as an historical fiction novel that keeps speaking to me. I love my wonderful cohort of smart, funny gal pals who hang with me in The Middle-Aged Cheap Seats. Yalls be good and go get into some fun trouble while I'm away. I'll drop in from time to time to catch up on all … [Read more...]
When A Lil Something Isn’t Nothing
May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Time to pay some attention to your largest organ. Today's "little spot" could be tomorrow's health scare. I know this from personal experience. It looked to be nothing. A barely there tiny pimple under my nose no bigger than a sesame seed which would get slightly scaly, flake off, and go away; only to return every few weeks. Over many months I went through this little cycle often, each time thinking, hmmm… I wonder if I should get this looked … [Read more...]
As Heard on the SpeakUpTalkRadio Network
(April 2017) Have a listen to Kimba and Pat Rullo dish on the writing life, gal pals, midlife, and the importance of finding your funny every day. http://www.speakuptalkradio.com/kimba-dalferes-speaks-up/ You can also find this interview on Itunes and IHeartRadio, and as part of Pat Rullo's author interview podcast series. … [Read more...]
What’s My Line?
While watching last month’s 89th Academy Awards, I was on the verge of concluding that it was one of the most uneventful shows of all time. Well, until IT happened. The big IT; the biggest snafu in the history of the Oscars. Announcing the wrong winner of the best picture category – the top dog of all award categories – seals the deal for “Moonlight” never being forgotten in movie folklore. Image provided courtesy of Gratisography.com. Free of copyright restrictions. You may not … [Read more...]
Hey, I Know That Troll!
Yep, I know how all this works. I’m a big girl, and every time I put my stuff out into the world, I hitch up my big girl panties and prepare for the occasional troll. The sad but all-too-true fact is that being trolled comes with the territory of today’s writing scene. Image provided courtesy of Pexel.com - https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-clothes-line-trousers-past-54611/ CC0 license, free for personal and commercial use. In an odd way, to be trolled is a kind of badge of honor. … [Read more...]
Hon, Do We Have Any Mustard?
HUBS: Hey Hon, we gotta get this frig under control. ME: What do you mean? HUBS: It’s a mess. Come on, I can’t even find the mustard. ME: What? Nah. I clean it out every year. HUBS: No way. I bet I can find something in here over a year old. ME: I double dog dare you to find anything in that frig over a year old. In the world of men, a double dog dare is non-negotiable. You just can’t throw that out there willy nilly. If you use it, ya better mean it. Image provided … [Read more...]
Don’t Let the Door Hit Ya on the Way Out
I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions. It’s all about the new and improved, as if to say that everything we did this past year was old and lousy?! Hey, I get wanting a do-over, especially after 2016 which has been a doozy of a ballbuster year. However, perhaps we should focus on welcoming the New Year with a toast, a smile, and a big ‘ol let’s keep on keepin’ on. Image provided courtesy of Pexel: https://static.pexels.com/photos/2145/sea-sunset-beach-couple.jpg under a CC0 license, free for … [Read more...]
Imagine All the People
He looked to be straight out of central casting, circa 1950s. Though there were seats available, he chose to ride standing, holding onto the dangling strap above for balance. The stylish fedora tilted ever so slightly forward across his forehead. His black London Fog trench coat was buttoned neatly down the front, with the belt fastened securely around his waist. The attaché he carried tightly at his right side left the most lasting impression. Not the usual overstuffed computer bag of today … [Read more...]
Bodacious Babes of the Blogosphere
On this Veteran's Day I'm so grateful for all the men and women who have served this country - especially the Hubs. Thank you for your service. As Thanksgiving is also approaching, I’m pondering my gratitude lists (of course I have lists; Virgo girl here!). I believe it’s time to once again update my favorite of favorite gratitude lists: The Best Bodacious Babes of the Blogosphere – 2016 Edition. Image provided courtesy of https://www.flickr.com/commons/ … [Read more...]
When Wonder Woman Needs a Time-Out
Kimba is NOT Wonder Woman. Not even close. I don’t have access to a magical invisible airplane that can transport me into the city in a quick minute (but wouldn’t that be crazy cool being that commuting worships at the temple of suck?!). I can’t whip out that golden lasso of truth to cut through the BS. My truth is that weekends pass when I don’t get any of my s**t done. Assignments and laundry pile up, deadlines loom, in-boxes become cluttered. If I’ve learned anything in my journey to the the … [Read more...]
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