I love to be involved in interviews. I have friends who hate to be subjected to the “dreaded” author interview. Not me: no question is too weird, too off topic or bizarre. It’s most likely because I’m Irish: we have an opinion about everything, will discuss anything, and we never meet a stranger who we aren’t soon chatting up about all things political, religious, or pop culture-esque. It’s in our DNA – it’s just science. Over the years, I’ve had interview questions that have stuck with me. I … [Read more...]
Do You Know Why You Write?
Why someone puts pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard is an extraordinarily personal matter. If you ask ten people why do you write?, you’re likely to get ten very different answers. Because I write mostly creative nonfiction, my writing is particularly personal. I’ve often been asked: why do you share such intimate details of your life in your books, for all the world to see and read? My common reply: I know, that answer is kinda glib. The truth is, on any given day I’m writing for reasons … [Read more...]
To All the Days Here and After
Oh, we Irish do love our toasts. We never miss an opportunity to wax poetic about the past, the here and now, and the future. Especially this week, as we welcome 2016, I’m reviewing my repertoire of go-to ditties. I thought I’d share a few of my favorites, just in case you find yourself in need of a good tribute. Image provided courtesy of The Commons/Flickr: … [Read more...]
Stray Dogs & Ugly Pumpkins
(Because I'm traveling this week, I"m featuring one of my favorite previous posts - updated just a bit.) I love Fall. Cooler weather, colorful leaves, and the first fire in the fireplace all make me happy. One of my favorite Fall rituals: local harvest festivals. I’m a sucker for bales of hay, tractor rides, and apple cider. Perhaps this is my preferred time of year because I grew up in Florida, where there are only two seasons: tourist and hurricane. At a local fall festival last weekend … [Read more...]
Life Lessons from An Irishman
Today, October 2nd, is my dad’s birthday. It’s kind of a big deal, being that it’s number 75, but I think he wants to keep it a bit low key. That’s alright, it’s his day, he’s entitled to celebrate any way he wants. However, as his daughter, I get to shout: Image provided courtesy of MorgueFile: Image URI: http://mrg.bz/L4mLzi What was happening back in the year Dad was born? Well, let’s see: the first social security benefits were paid (oh, I know Dad is loving this one!); the first … [Read more...]
We Interrupt This Blog
We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog post to make an important announcement: The 2nd edition of I Was In Love With a Short Man Once will be released by Booktrope Publishing on June 23rd! Cover design by Lizzie Russell, www.lizzierussellcreative.com WOO HOO! To celebrate, let’s play a game of twenty questions. Here we go: 1. What inspired you to write this book? My nana’s apple pie recipe. Nana made the best apple pies, but she never wrote down the recipe. Now she’s gone and no … [Read more...]
My Middle-Aged Bucket
One does not think too much about bucket lists when one is young. You’re too busy rushing forward to be concerned about the things you’re not doing. At least for me, during my first five decades I was full steam ahead, go-go-go, to-do list in hand busily checking off items and then quickly moving on to the next adventure. Hey, I’m a Virgo, of course I had a to-do list: don’t judge. Something started changing the closer I got to Club 50 status. There’s been a small yet perceivable shift in … [Read more...]
Irish Blessings
This week a beloved Aunt left this world. She had recently celebrated her 80th birthday and had become a great grandmother. She will be missed. In her memory and as we turn into 2014, I wish each of you the blessings of a new year, new starts, and new opportunities. An Irish Blessing http://goo.gl/pRFmfv Happy (and safe) New Year, Kimba … [Read more...]
Stray Dogs and Ugly Pumpkins
I love Fall. Cooler weather, colorful leaves, and the first fire in the fireplace all make me happy. One of my favorite fall rituals: local harvest festivals. I’m a sucker for bales of hay, tractor rides, and apple cider. Maybe it’s because I grew up in Florida where there are only two seasons: tourist and hurricane. At a local fall festival last weekend I was searching through the pumpkin patch, looking for the ugliest pumpkin I could find. My gal pal Kathi laughed at this – “Why the … [Read more...]
There Once Was a Girl From the South…
Who never stopped running her mouth…OK, I think we all know where this is going. Do you know what a limerick is? A limerick is a funny little poem containing five lines. The last words of the first, second, and fifth lines all rhyme with each other. Here is an example that most of us will remember from our childhoods: There are a few things that the Irish truly cherish: a good tale; a worthy competition; and the occasional fine spirit (liquid or ethereal, you decide). This is why, as a … [Read more...]