It’s become a time honored tradition, up here in the Middle-Aged Cheap Seats, to kick up our feet toward the end of every February, cocktail in one hand and popcorn in the other, and tune in for a favorite annual event: the Academy Awards, or as they are also known as, The Oscars. I host a fun little virtual viewing party over on Facebook: our gaggle of movie geeks and nerds slog through 3 to 4 hours of what can be some of the best, and worst, entertainment for the masses. Do you also … [Read more...]
How to Survive a Blizzard Vacation
It will come as a surprise to few that I’m not a big fan of winter. This Florida gal just doesn’t have the chops to hang out in the snow. I moved to Virginia in 1995 and 8 months out of the year I love being a Virginian. But from December through March, Mother Nature can make me downright homesick for ‘ol FLA. “Oh, but that heat!” they say. “The humidity!” they moan. Yeah, well, you don’t have to shovel humidity. I’ve tried to enjoy what winter has to offer. I’ve attempted to ski – twice. … [Read more...]
Do You Know Why You Write?
Why someone puts pen to paper or fingertips to keyboard is an extraordinarily personal matter. If you ask ten people why do you write?, you’re likely to get ten very different answers. Because I write mostly creative nonfiction, my writing is particularly personal. I’ve often been asked: why do you share such intimate details of your life in your books, for all the world to see and read? My common reply: I know, that answer is kinda glib. The truth is, on any given day I’m writing for reasons … [Read more...]
To All the Days Here and After
Oh, we Irish do love our toasts. We never miss an opportunity to wax poetic about the past, the here and now, and the future. Especially this week, as we welcome 2016, I’m reviewing my repertoire of go-to ditties. I thought I’d share a few of my favorites, just in case you find yourself in need of a good tribute. Image provided courtesy of The Commons/Flickr: … [Read more...]
2016: The Year of the Great Shed
Do New Year's resolutions work for you? Nope? Me neither. My ever-present dedication to lose ten lbs, eat less junk food, exercise more, floss daily, and stay out of the sunshine unless I’m wearing SPF1000 sunscreen, somehow always seems to go by the wayside by no later than February 1st. Therefore, for 2016, I’m trying a different approach: I’m creating a doable list devoted to things I can shed/toss/throw away. Who’s with me? Image Provided Courtesy of Morgue File: … [Read more...]
How I Found My Midlife Tribe
This week, I did something I’ve been waiting to do since April 13th, 2014: I registered for the 2016 Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop (EBWW). EBWW only happens every other year and when the last one ended in 2014, I knew I would be going back in 2016. Why? Because in 2014 I found my tribe of funny, big-hearted, midlife women. And in midlife, it can be tough to find your peeps. In your earlier years, life readily presents opportunities for tribe building. For example, high school, for all its … [Read more...]
Are the Best Things in Life Free?
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the cost of things. Why? Because my first book, I Was In Love With a Short Man Once is currently free (FREE!) as a Kindle download through Friday, November 13th. No strings attached, just a little gift. Of course, I’m hoping for some honest reviews from you nice people, but there’s no obligation whatsoever. I’m guessing you might be a little skeptical, because, is free ever really free? For example, here in the DC area, I love to visit the Smithsonian … [Read more...]
The Cat’s Away, Wanna Play?
A gal pal of mine recently told me a fabulous secret (that she gave me permission to share). She loves that her husband genuinely tries to help around the house (there are guys out there like this, it’s not an urban myth). He even cooks! A true keeper, right?! However, he seems to not get the whole idea that you don’t just take out the trash, you do occasionally have to also clean out the bins. However, she doesn’t want to discourage his good deeds, so, she confided that when he is traveling or … [Read more...]
Stray Dogs & Ugly Pumpkins
(Because I'm traveling this week, I"m featuring one of my favorite previous posts - updated just a bit.) I love Fall. Cooler weather, colorful leaves, and the first fire in the fireplace all make me happy. One of my favorite Fall rituals: local harvest festivals. I’m a sucker for bales of hay, tractor rides, and apple cider. Perhaps this is my preferred time of year because I grew up in Florida, where there are only two seasons: tourist and hurricane. At a local fall festival last weekend … [Read more...]
Life Lessons from An Irishman
Today, October 2nd, is my dad’s birthday. It’s kind of a big deal, being that it’s number 75, but I think he wants to keep it a bit low key. That’s alright, it’s his day, he’s entitled to celebrate any way he wants. However, as his daughter, I get to shout: Image provided courtesy of MorgueFile: Image URI: What was happening back in the year Dad was born? Well, let’s see: the first social security benefits were paid (oh, I know Dad is loving this one!); the first … [Read more...]
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