When our children are born, we envision a life of molding and shaping these small, wonderful creatures into future Nobel Peace Prize winners, champion athletes, and brilliant philosophers. We will bestow upon them all our accumulated life experience and insights and they will be eager receptacles of our knowledge. Yeah, and then day two arrives. The thing is, no one ever tells you that your child will enter this world with a fully formed personality. It might take a while for you as the … [Read more...]
Life Lessons from An Irishman
Today, October 2nd, is my dad’s birthday. It’s kind of a big deal, being that it’s number 75, but I think he wants to keep it a bit low key. That’s alright, it’s his day, he’s entitled to celebrate any way he wants. However, as his daughter, I get to shout: Image provided courtesy of MorgueFile: Image URI: http://mrg.bz/L4mLzi What was happening back in the year Dad was born? Well, let’s see: the first social security benefits were paid (oh, I know Dad is loving this one!); the first … [Read more...]