I love award shows. I know, it’s a bit ridiculous. These awards are for those who entertain us. They didn’t cure cancer, they didn’t fix global warming, they didn’t even design the perfect mascara – sorely needed my friends! But I can’t help it; when the award season rolls around each year you’ll find me once again planted squarely in front of the TV, mesmerized for several hours. The Emmy’s® in particular have a very interesting history. For example, did you know that they were almost called … [Read more...]
You’re In My Spot
It happens at the beginning of each summer. Right about the time we’ve perfected our routine, established a rapport with the instructors, and staked our claim to our preferred spot in the room, they swarm in and wreak havoc upon our community. Image provided courtesy of Pixabay, http://pixabay.com/en/fish-sea-ocean-fish-swarm-22646/ I am of course describing the coeds who invade the gym and our exercise classes each summer when they return home from college. We middle-aged gals have … [Read more...]
Sign Language
Way back in 1998 (can that really be 18 years ago?!) a little book called The Celestine Prophecy caught my attention (along with several million other readers). Very true to the book, it wasn’t a coincidence–at least I didn’t think so–that I became aware of this gem at a time in my life when I was searching for a bit of direction and purpose. I’ve gone back to this little treasure several times, most often when I’m looking for some sort of sign from the Universe. If you haven’t read The … [Read more...]
Please Sir, I Want Some More
This week I’ve been working on the schedule for launching the 2nd edition of I Was In Love With a Short Man Once. This has me thinking a bit about all the “seconds” in my life – books, marriages, homes, and careers. I do seem to re-direct my life quite a bit. Am I greedy? Indecisive? Perhaps just lucky? https://www.youtube.com/user/TheWomblefootfreak The reality is, the journey to the middle-aged cheap seats is peppered with U-turns, do-overs, and second chances. You can’t reach Club 50 … [Read more...]
What Would Mae Say?
I’m a picker. I love to scavenge through flea markets, estate sales, and yes, even other people's trash, looking for cast-off treasures. I come by it quite naturally via my Irish nana who never passed by a thrift store without first stopping in to peruse the bins, shelves, and dusty corners looking for items that deserved a second chance. I recently did my nana proud when I found this gem tucked away in a pile of forgotten photographs for sale at the annual Luckett's Spring Market: Added … [Read more...]
Dear Doctor, Please Speak Human
It’s one of the things we midlifers, hanging out here in the middle-aged cheap seats, most dread: the idea that our parents may someday become ill. On a rational level, we know it’s highly likely that at some point we’ll need to step up and help take care of our moms and dads. But at an emotional level, we want our parents to remain in the driver’s seat, firmly planted in the position of authority figure, indestructible and steadfast. My dread became reality two weeks ago when my kid brother … [Read more...]
Is ‘Know Your Audience’ Sexist BS?
Awhile back I was having coffee with a fellow who I consider to be one of my writing and networking mentors. We were discussing this past year, my book, and the future of this blog. As we were sipping our lattes and talking about our latest projects, he noted that he admired how I’ve been able to really drill down to my target audience: women; of a certain age; who like to laugh and share their wisdom. I agreed and noted how much I was enjoying this creative work. I shared that I’ve been … [Read more...]
7 Years in Fuzzy Bunny Slippers
Many of you who regularly join me here in the Middle-Aged Cheap Seats (bless you, by the way), have come to know me as Kimba: King Salmon Slayer, Estate Sale Junkie, sometimes writes books. What you may not know is that I also have a day-job working in public policy. Image provided courtesy of morgueFile, http://mrg.bz/Lli5uc For the first 44 years of my life, I was a “rules girl.” I traveled a common baby boomer path, from high school classroom to college lecture hall to … [Read more...]
Uterus Declares War!
Warning: what follows is an unabashedly truthful rendering of one woman’s journey through menopause. Men who are squeamish about discussions of blood, periods, Aunt Flo, cramps, tampons, sweating, vaginas, or middle-aged women in general should probably stop reading right about now. Bless your hearts. Image provided courtesy of http://www.gratisography.com/ In the past few years, my uterus has declared war. This was not a gradual shift, a kind or slow and steady progression of the … [Read more...]
Kimba Unplugged. Sort Of.
I am not the type of person who can easily relax–I know, shocking, right? We type A’s, with a good dose of Virgo thrown in as a present from the Universe, are a core reason why social media thrives. Task mastering and to-do lists and super-sized organizing are all enabled by the array of gadgets and gizmos we carry as if our very lives depend on them. However, I can unplug any time. I am the master of my domain. I am my own counsel. I am truly full of it. I was not always like this. … [Read more...]
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