The running back weaves across the field with the football pinned securely in his right side. He dodges past a not-quite-fast-enough outside linebacker and streaks down the edge of the sideline toward the end zone. 10… 5… the ref throws his arms straight up toward the sky as the runner crosses the goal line. TOUCHDOWN! What’s particularly remarkable and wonderful about this upcoming fall weekend tradition? That ref could be a woman. The football field has conventionally not been a … [Read more...]
The Best Pals Are Gal Pals
I’ve often been called a “guy’s gal.” This is usually – I think– meant as a compliment. There are some stereotypical masculine pursuits that I do enjoy and which often lead me to rattling around in the boys’ club house. For example, I LOVE football. I’ve followed the Dolphins since 1972 and, as many of you know, I am a “somewhat” crazed FSU fan – GO NOLES! I can fish, tell jokes (yes, especially dirty ones), and have been known to go shot for shot with the gentlemen at the bar. I have yet to … [Read more...]
How I Found My Midlife Tribe
This week, I did something I’ve been waiting to do since April 13th, 2014: I registered for the 2016 Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop (EBWW). EBWW only happens every other year and when the last one ended in 2014, I knew I would be going back in 2016. Why? Because in 2014 I found my tribe of funny, big-hearted, midlife women. And in midlife, it can be tough to find your peeps. In your earlier years, life readily presents opportunities for tribe building. For example, high school, for all its … [Read more...]
A Woman to Woman Football Guide
There are some basic truths about Kimba. She talks too much, laughs too loud, and gives of her opinion a bit too freely. She has an annoying habit of talking about herself in the third person. She’s superstitious to a fault and has been known to call out complete strangers for putting their hat on a table or splitting a post. Oh, and she LOVES football! Image provided courtesy of morgueFile: It all began back in 1972 when I developed a somewhat serious crush on Larry … [Read more...]
Fifty is the New Fifty
Thanks to Geraldo Rivera's now infamous Too. Much. Information tweet-pic of his seventy-year-old naked torso – and he damn near showed us Christmas and ALL the presents – I’ve noticed quite a bit of conjecture by the media regarding age, aging, anti-aging, youth, beauty, and wrinkles. Under headlines such as “Is Seventy the New Fifty?” everyone seems to be professing new benchmarks such as forty is the new thirty or fifty is the new forty. Here’s an idea – how about we all try this one on … [Read more...]
For the Love of Gal Pals
I’ve often been called a “guy’s gal.” This is usually – I think – meant as a compliment. There are some stereotypically masculine pursuits that I do enjoy and which often lead me to rattling around in the boys’ club house. For example, I LOVE football. I’ve followed the Dolphins since 1972 and as many of you know, I am a somewhat crazed FSU fan – GO NOLES! I can fish, tell jokes (yes, especially dirty ones), and have been known to go shot for shot with the gentlemen at the bar. I have yet to … [Read more...]
Kimba’s Favorite “Things”
Congratulations everyone, we’ve survived another Black Friday and Cyber Monday. All indicators seem to reflect that 2012 is going to be a banner year for retailers and that is certainly good news for our economy. I’ll readily admit that I love a good deal as well as the next gal – my nickname in certain circles is “Shop-Dot-Kim.” However, each year, as the holiday season approaches, I find myself a little disappointed by the commercialism that emerges as we all tee-up for the manic rush to … [Read more...]