Do New Year’s resolutions work for you? Nope? Me neither. My ever-present dedication to lose ten lbs, eat less junk food, exercise more, floss daily, and stay out of the sunshine unless I’m wearing SPF1000 sunscreen, somehow always seems to go by the wayside by no later than February 1st. Therefore, for 2016, I’m trying a different approach: I’m creating a doable list devoted to things I can shed/toss/throw away. Who’s with me?
Image Provided Courtesy of Morgue File:
My primary goal is to keep this list short and simple: I’ll be checking back December 31st, 2016 to review how this plan unfolded.
Periods. Listen up menopause fairy: I’m 52 years old. My prime baby birthing years have long passed. Let’s move things along, shall we? The monthly visits from Aunt Flo need to go.
Nose hair. I don’t know when this happened, but a good hard look in the mirror this morning revealed that I’ve sprouted a crop of nasal carpeting. This instantly makes me look like my Nana. Now I love my Nana, but this stuff is just gross. Time to invest in some serious clippers.
Shoes that hurt my feet. It’s time to retire the four inch big girl shoes. I just can’t handle the consequences. Hey, I’m not saying I’m relegated to birkenstocks and support knee-highs. But, I need to admit that *CFM* stilettos only result in blisters and a backache.
Image provided courtesy of Pixabay:
My over–flowing house porn. Houston, I have a problem: I can’t resist shelter magazines. My house is covered in glossy images of sunny beach cottages, comfy mountain cabins, cute cape cods, and remodeled colonials. I gotta get a grip and learn to pass through the check-out line without being mesmerized by all the pretty house photos.
Perfectionism. I declare 2016 the year Kimba officially gives up perfectionism. Though this flies in the face of my Virgo instincts, this recent advice has me re-evaluating my priorities: no one cares if it’s perfect except you. Damn, that was a serious epiphany. A slap yourself in the forehead realization.
Image provide courtesy of[term]=head%20smack%20gif&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1&o=0
How about you: anything you would like to leave behind in 2015?
Cheers & wishes for a very Happy New Year,
PS: SALE ALERT!! Magic Fishing Panties will be on sale December 30, 2015, through January 5, 2016 for just .99! Yep, less than a dollar to download! I promise to share the link for Amazon and Barnes & Noble when the links are live on the 30th.
Flori says
I’m taking a pile of books and magazines to the library today. This year I decided that
most Xmas gifts are consumables and re-gifting is okay. Going through those “clipped recipes”.
I’m tempted to throw them all away, but there just might be one in mom’s handwriting. So I’ll save
that for a cold, snowy day.
Kim Dalferes says
Well Flori, next snow storm I’ll supply the soup and the house porn, you bring over the recipes to reviews. Deal?
Leslie Handler says
Nope. Think I’ll go for the lose weight, exercise more, floss daily, resolutions once again.
Failure has become a habit I’m just not yet willing to break!
Kim Dalferes says
Go sista! Wishing you lots of luck and success.
Roslyn Tanner Evans says
Somehow I reached age 73 and some of these items got discarded. Never grew the nose hairs but even after a laser chin treatment when I turned 60, all the white hairs pop up rapidly so I keep vigil.
The most important thing I’m leaving behind is my own upset with mistakes. Never been a perfectionist but the line between making errors and not remembering everything I need to continues to widen. I will adjust my own expectations of myself in 2016.
Kim Dalferes says
Hey Roz, I think that is a great shedding idea: time we all started to give ourselves a break when we’re human and make mistakes.
Suzie Cheel says
Yes with you resolutions, They don’t work for me either. I am looking at intention for 2016 that make my heart sing- no shoulds just because…..
I gave up heels a while ago and mainly flats for me.
Thanks for you and your blog- you brighten and inspire me xx
Kim Dalferes says
Aw, Suzie you inspire ALL of us! Your new heart whisper cards are BEAUTIFUL! I encourage everyone to take a look:
Marcia @ Menopausal Mother says
“crop of nasal carpeting”…BRILLIANT! I’m totally with you on the list.
Kim Dalferes says
Marcia, I’m just wondering how I’m going to hide the nose hair clippers from Vikki in Ohio!
1010ParkPlace says
So cute, and I can identify! Some items I’ve already dealt with, others are on this year’s list, then things like nose hair will always be there, waiting…. Brenda
Kim Dalferes says
Yeah, I hear ya Brenda. Someone recently shared that she waxes her nose hair! Yeah, well, she’s a lot tougher than me!
Diane Topkis says
Kimba, I like the process. Having moved 3 times in last 8 years helped me clear a lot of clutter out especially clothes. Still working on the clipped out recipes and files of house projects clippings. The house as it is and always will be. So I think I’ll leave them behind in 2015. My cooking has gotten way more casual -so those recipes will go too. I think I’ll also leave my procrastination of getting exercise. My son made me commit that I’ll keep skiing until his 7 week old daughter is ready to learn – so that’s now my incentive to get stronger and more flexible!
Kim Dalferes says
Skiing with your grand child – best incentive EVER for keeping in shape!
Sue Kearney (@MagnoliasWest) says
Great post, Kimba, goes right to the heart of closing out the year and embracing the new one. I’m with you on the perfectionism one (gave up heels long ago, had an early menopause, and have totally dealt with the facial hair thing already!). But perfectionism lingers.
I am gently and firmly kicking it to the curb and reminding myself to lower the bar, and embrace conditions of enoughness (a concept I learned from Jen Louden).
Blessings at the turn of the wheel.
Kim Dalferes says
I love the idea of enoughness. Especially this time of year which can be over-flowing with way too much stuff (both physical and emotional) coming at us, stepping back and being thankful for everything I already have needs to be a daily observation.
Marquita Herald says
Overflowing with pearls of wisdom as always Kimba. I’ve never been a fan of resolutions either, but I have “goals” that serve as cornerstones and I have adopted the habit of a theme for the year which really helps me stay focused. For 2016 my theme is SOAR and to a great degree that has to do with leaving my perceived limitations behind. 🙂
Kim Dalferes says
I like your idea of having a yearly theme. Going to think about what I would like my 2016 theme to be.
Vicki says
Loved this one! And the reply about keeping your bones stronger…if that’s a plus. Definitely think NY resolutions are highly over-rated. I liken it to giving up something for Lent then going back to the same old taboo in six weeks. Have learned that it’s just as spiritual to aim to be a better person & to stay in the giving mode all year long. We all vow to lose those extra lbs. that start appearing even before Thanksgiving. Exercise is the best thing you can keep doing..ignore the those muscles. You are doing great!
Kim Dalferes says
Ignore the scale, build the muscle – heading out to the gym right now! Thanks for extra push.
Liz says
Great approach!
Kim Dalferes says
Thx Liz.
Leanne@crestingthehill says
If it’s any consolation I just turned 54 and my period still comes as regularly as clockwork – more regularly than it did when I was a young thing! I am totally over it as well!!! I love your list of sheddings – and I was glad to find out that your post wasn’t about building a garden shed in 2016 🙂
Kim Dalferes says
LMAO – there is this movement going on right now called “she-sheds.” These are “sheds” you build as your own little space away from everyone else. A place to read, or sleep! Not sure I buy into it, but wonder if any of m gal pals have one?
Lee Gaitan says
LOVE this! You’re right, time to get realistic about New Year’s resolutions…does this mean I can’t put losing 20 pounds by Friday and buying that Italian villa on the list? Dang, I was sooo sure this was the year! And, P.S., I know you want Aunt Flo to go, but she had to leave my place early and it’s been tough on my my bones, so give the old girl a high five for keeping yours stronger a little longer. 🙂
Kim Dalferes says
Yes, I suppose Aunt Flo does come with some benefits. As for that Italian villa, I’ve been working on a scheme to acquire a villa at Lake Como, next to George’s, it could happen!
Reba Linker says
Love your list, Kimberly! xox, Reba
Kim Dalferes says
Thx Reba. And, thx for sharing your manifesting secrets on your blog!