Do New Year's resolutions work for you? Nope? Me neither. My ever-present dedication to lose ten lbs, eat less junk food, exercise more, floss daily, and stay out of the sunshine unless I’m wearing SPF1000 sunscreen, somehow always seems to go by the wayside by no later than February 1st. Therefore, for 2016, I’m trying a different approach: I’m creating a doable list devoted to things I can shed/toss/throw away. Who’s with me? Image Provided Courtesy of Morgue File: … [Read more...]
Therefore Be It Resolved
RESOLUTION WHEREAS Kimba usually dislikes New Year’s resolutions, but is willing to give it one more shot; and WHEREAS Kimba was pretty happy with how 2013 turned out and wants to hedge her bets for a stellar 2014; and WHEREAS Kimba is a Virgo, and this just seems to be a fancy way to make a to-do list; which is fine by her. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this crazy southern Irish gal – also known as Kimba – hereby: Vows to … [Read more...]