As Thanksgiving approaches, I’m reminded of how grateful I am for a family who loves and supports me, a husband who puts up with me, and a son who makes me laugh every day. I have the added joy of announcing that just this week my son Jimmy attained the status of ABD – “All But Dissertation” – in his trek toward doctorhood. Proud mama is bursting with pride as Jimmy moves ever closer to #MYSONTHEDOCTUH!
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I’m also grateful for my tribe of women bloggers who inspire me weekly with their wit, wisdom, and often laugh out loud insights. Today I pay tribute to my favorite dirty dozen–I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you check out their musings for inspiration, advice, or a quick pick-me-up to get you through the day.
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- Elaine Ambrose has been a mentor and friend to so many of us fledgling writers. Not only has Elaine published several books including the award winning Midlife Cabernet (serious hat tip for garnering over 300 reviews!), Elaine also directs her own publishing company–Mill Park Publishing, and leads wonderful writing retreats. Her writing and blog posts are often syndicated. Best of all, Elaine works tirelessly to highlight and promote the work of other women writers. For example, in 2016 Mill Park Publishing will release the anthology Feisty After 45 which will feature 36 midlife authors from across the country and cover an array of topics to include humor, grandchildren, travel, inspiration, eldercare, travel, and personal growth.
- Vikki Claflin’s Laugh Lines has one of my favorite taglines: “Middle Age. Modern Marriage. Epic Fails.” Vikki’s book Shake, Rattle, & Roll With It is one of my top recommendations as a holiday gift for every woman on your list. And, Vikki has a new book coming out in 2016–I can’t wait!
- I wouldn’t categorize Marquita Herald as a humor blogger. However, Marty’ uplifting and insightful posts on Emotionally Resilient Living always have me contemplating my attitude about life and how I connect with those around me.
- Marcia Kester Doyle’s Menopausal Mother is my weekly reminder that my tribe of midlifers is a great bunch of gals. Marcia is also an author whose book Who Stole My Spandex? has just been released as a new edition. Check out both the book and the blog and be prepared to snort out loud.
- I had the good fortune of meeting Jo Salemink at the 2014 Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop (EBWW2014) and I’m so glad I hooked up with this funny and inspiring chica. Her blog Sandwich Mom on Rye is my go-to when I need a smile on my face. I can’t wait to hang with Jo again at EBWW2016.
- What I love most about B. Swangin Webster’s BSW – Books, Shoes, and Writing – is how diverse her weekly subjects can be. She discusses her life as an author, but peppers her posts with real life advice and observations.
- Amy Sherman is another one of my EBWW gal pals – she adopted me into her group when I must have looked lost and in need of a drinking buddy. Her blog Witfaced is indeed witty, with a splash of get-your-head-out-of-your-ass realism.
- Astra Groskaufmanis, my fabulous Canadian chica, writes wonderful posts at The Dust Bunny Chronicles. However, what’s also terrific is that this year she published her first book Offside By a Mile. I highly recommend this book for everyone on your Christmas list who is living the life of a sports parent. Astra’s observations from the youth hockey world are universally poignant for all of us who have yelled and cheered from the sidelines and the bleachers.
- Here’s another blog where the tagline says it all: Midlife at the Oasis by Lois Alter Mark, “where living an amazing life never gets old.” I can’t be the only one who hears that 1973 classic “Midnight at the Oasis” in my head every time I visit Lois’ blog. May well be the most clever blog title ever.
- I love sharing how I met Kathryn Mayer, my genius friend who writes about life, warts and all, on her blog Kate walked up to me at EBWW2014 and pronounced, “Can I just stand at your table for a few minutes? I suck at conference meet-and-greets; I could not be more of a dork.” Kate is one of my personal heroes and favorite writers. She can take topics like distributing condoms to teenagers and make you want to immediately hang out with her and buy her a drink.
- The title of Helene Cohen Bludman’s blog Books Is Wonderful is a bit misleading in that Helene writes about so much more than books. Not that writing about books is a bad thing. But, I also enjoy Helene’s musings about relationships, parenting, and traveling. Of course I absolutely trust Helene’s book reviews, she has never steered me wrong.
- I’ve saved the best for last with Sharon Hoder Greenthal’s Empty House Full Mind. Sharon is amazingly prolific; it seems she always has something new and fresh posted on her blog. She is also one of the geniuses behind Midlife Boulevard which features a wide array of midlife women bloggers. I hope you can visit many of the sites I’ve recommended above, but if you have to pick only one, pick Midlife Boulevard.
Who are your favorite women bloggers?
Wishing everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
What a killer list of women! I know at least half of them, and I agree – they’re exceptionally supportive, admirable, talented bloggers.
What an honor to be included in this group of amazing writers! Kimba, you have made my day. My week. Alright let’s be honest, this is the highlight of the whole month.
I know most of these women and consistently enjoy their work. And I look forward to getting to know the others. Thank you so much!
You’re so welcome Helene – I look forward to all your new book reviews in 2016.
Six out of 12 isn’t too bad, is it? I’m a big fan of the work of 6 of these women — but have never heard of the other six. What’s wrong with me?? Definitely time to check them out. Based on the ones I do know, I’m guessing that the ones I don’t know yet are well worth reading.
Hi Roz – I think you’ll like the full dirty dozen. By the way, your new book: “Our Bodies, Our Shelves” is on my must read list for 2016.
Thank you so much for a great list of amazing women! I am impressed how lovingly you described each of them and their work. Thank you! Will certainly check out their work! Happy Thanksgiving and congrats on your son’s achievements!
Aw, thanks Millen. Proud Mama can’t stop smiling.
You have named some of my very fave bloggers, Kim, so you and I have that in common!
Hi Carol, I think you and I have a lot in common. And, also love your blog “Heart, Mind, Soul.”
I know the work of some of the women on your list, Kimberly, and thoroughly agree. Meanwhile I need to check out the others. Thanks for sharing. I hope to go to the EBWW in 2016 and meet other humor writers. My friend Roxanne Jones at is one of my favorites. Love these mid-life women writers!
LOVE Boomer Haiku! Thx for sharing that!
Such a brilliant group of ladies you have highlighted! Congratulations to your son, what a wonderful accomplishment.
Aw, thanks Mary. The kid makes me smile every day.
What an amazing list of fabulous women mid-lifers, although I have to admit, that even though I am the middle-aged hippie in my book title, I’m not familiar with any of them. This is a great way to connect with like-hearted women to follow, support and maybe even contribute articles to their sites as well. Plan to explore each of them more fully and appreciate you sharing them with us all!
Hey Beverley – I just looked up your book, “Confessions of a Middle-Aged Hippie” and it looks awesome! Definitely putting in on my 2016 reading list!
Every writer needs a support network. I was very fortunate to be referred to Women in Midlife which continually spurs me on.
Oh, The Women of Midlife is my lifeline! Great big giant circle of support and friendship.
What a truly great list of women! A few I am unfamiliar with, but I’m headed over to sign up for their blog!
I know you’ll enjoy them all Tam. And it was difficult to keep the list at a dozen, it could have easily been top 50!
What a fabulous list! I know many of them but I am so excited to meet the ones I don’t know yet. Thank you for sharing them.
Hey Doreen. Hope you make some new friends.
These are great! Just gave me some new inspiration and reading material for the holidays.
An inspiring bunch to be sure. These gals will definitely help me get through the holidays!
You can’t make friends sitting alone in your hotel room! Might as well get out there and drink! Thanks for getting me out and about at EBWW, and on the blogosphere. HONORED and humbled to be included in this fanfriggintastic list! CHEERS!!!!
Kate, I hope you know that meeting you was the highlight of EBWW 2014.You are an amazing writer.
WOW! I think it’s wonderful that you have made so many friendships thru your writing…what an extra bonus to know so many intelligent & fun ladies. Cherish them, as I know you do.
You are so right Vicki – connecting with other women midlife writers has been the best benefit of starting a writing career in my 40s. This old dog still has a few tricks left – learned that from you!
AS soon as the holidays are over (it is my busy season) I intend to read, follow & engage with every woman on this page. Just from your description, I know I will love them. I’m 76 and discovered social media marketing & blogging 2 years ago, so I thought I was disconnected from baby boomers. Learning I was wrong- just on the hi end of life. So I truly look forward to this exploration & thanks for making it so easy for me.
Yay Roslyn! Love that you engaged in social media in your 70s. Cheers to new cyber friendships in 2016.
Wow, thank you so much for including me in this list of amazing women! I’m really honored! Hope to see you somewhere soon so I can give you a hug! xo
Hey Lois, you planning to attend EBWW 2016? Would love to connect with you. Otherwise, we need to find another way to find each other in the “real world.”
Fun to read this and say, “Hey! I know her!” and then “I know her too!” all the way through–a good reminder of how many bodacious blogger babes are out there making us laugh, think, and observe what’s going on around us. Now, I have some reading to do…
Hiya Risa. Our tribe is large, strong, and funny as hell. We rule the world, but we’re not obnoxious about it – well, most of the time, right?
I am beyond thrilled to be on this list – you have made my day!
Sharon, you have no idea how many women you have connected, encouraged, and helped when they needed it the most. Not just through your blog, but also through Midlife Boulevard. Both you and Anne are our soul sister gurus. Thank you for being the bodacious babe extraordinaire.
I love your choices because the women that you named – I love them all – so of course I completely agree with you.
The others I look forward to getting to know.
What a wonderful way to celebrate Thanksgiving. All best wishes to you and your family, Kim.
Cathy, I also visit your blog – “An Empowered Spirit” often and consider you a tribe leader! Thank you for your weekly insights and inspirations.
Thank you, Kimberly, for including me on this list. I know most of these women, and I am honored to share your post with them. I wish we could all meet for lunch! I hope to see you at Erma 2016. By the way, you are a fabulous writer and I enjoy your work.
Elaine, I can’t wait to see you at EBWW 2016. We will have LOTS to celebrate. Cheers my friend.
Wow what a lovely surprise! Thank you so much for including me in your impressive list of Bodacious Blogging Babes Kimba. I am looking forward to virtually visiting each of these ladies to more about about them. And Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Marty, you were one of the first to support and encourage my writing efforts several years ago. I think we should all come to your part of the world and celebrate together!
Wow, what a happy Friday! Thanks, Kim, for including me in this truly bodacious list of incredible women!
Astra, your writing is wonderful and I love watching the success you are having with your new book. Hope to see you at EBWW 2016.
Thank you so much for the shout-out! I love so many of these same ladies too, and you are right at the top of my list! XO
Marcia you are most welcome and thank you for your friendship and advice when I need it most.
Wow, Kimberly! Thank you for including me in this list of fabulous writers! I’m honored to be part of such an amazing group. You’ve just made my whole week! 🙂 (And love you too!)
Vikki, I hope you know how much you inspire me with your writing and amazingly positive attitude about, well, everything! I know your new book is going to be a big hit!