I’m not a big fan of unsolicited advice. My propensity to spout off has often gotten me into trouble and pissed off my friends and family who get sick of my know-it-all tendencies. I work diligently to quiet the girl in my head who has a running dialogue in every conversation about how she can fix a particular problem or opine about any current political issue. If I could only adhere to some of the best advice my mama ever gave me: Opinions are like belly buttons. Everybody has one; doesn't … [Read more...]
Fifty is the New Fifty
Thanks to Geraldo Rivera's now infamous Too. Much. Information tweet-pic of his seventy-year-old naked torso – and he damn near showed us Christmas and ALL the presents – I’ve noticed quite a bit of conjecture by the media regarding age, aging, anti-aging, youth, beauty, and wrinkles. Under headlines such as “Is Seventy the New Fifty?” everyone seems to be professing new benchmarks such as forty is the new thirty or fifty is the new forty. Here’s an idea – how about we all try this one on … [Read more...]
Gone Fishin’
Back in 2005, I shocked the majority of my gal pals with my announcement that I would be heading to Alaska to go… wait for it… salmon fishing. This crazy southern Irish gal is a bit of a weird hybrid: love pretty pedicures, but will also happily get downright muddy in the garden. I’ll rabidly watch a football game, followed by my favorite DIY show on HGTV. I am as comfortable wearing a frilly dress as I am relaxing in torn jeans and a sweatshirt. However, fishing?! Here’s a little … [Read more...]
The Art of the Middle-Aged Swimsuit
Here we are in mid-June, firmly pressing into summer. The annual ritual of warming up, slowing down, and taking time off is upon us. Sunscreen: check. New summer read: check. I-Pod loaded with beach-themed music: check. Well-fitting yet comfy swim suit: Ugh. Damn. This happens to me every year. I’ve promised myself in the winter months I’ll work out more, eat less, shed a few pounds and buy myself a new swimsuit. And, if I’m being honest, every June I look at myself in the … [Read more...]
Spring Fever … Virgo Style
This happens to me every March: I believe that Spring will arrive in this third month of the year. I believe that the gloomy, grey, overcast skies will transform into magical sunny clear blue warmth. I believe that I will be able to turn off the heat and go play outside in my garden and fill my planters and hanging baskets with beautiful impatiens, ivy, and geraniums. March 20th is supposed to be the official beginning of Spring, right? Well, as always, this week was my reminder that Mother … [Read more...]
Switching Teams
“Human sacrifice, dogs and cats, living together... mass hysteria!” Movie, please? That’s right, the great Bill Murray aka Dr. Peter Venkman, in that cinematic masterpiece: Ghostbusters. Why yes, Dr. Venkman, we have a bit of mass hysteria going on at my house at the moment. We have adopted a cat. I am not a cat person – my friends and family know this. I like dogs. I have been a firm member of “Team Canine” all of my life. Yet, here I am, coexisting with a cat. How did this happen you … [Read more...]
Gardenias in Costco
Walking through Costco last week, desperately searching for the printer ink, I came across an aisle filled with gardenia bushes for sale. The dark green shiny leaves and emerging white buds made me think of my GeeGee. In the backyard of the home where I spent many of my childhood days, she had the largest, most beautiful gardenia bush. GeeGee was such a good southern gal who could grow anything; and tucked in among her orange and avocado trees and crotons was that bush. Image provided … [Read more...]