Way back in 1998 (can that really be 18 years ago?!) a little book called The Celestine Prophecy caught my attention (along with several million other readers). Very true to the book, it wasn’t a coincidence–at least I didn’t think so–that I became aware of this gem at a time in my life when I was searching for a bit of direction and purpose. I’ve gone back to this little treasure several times, most often when I’m looking for some sort of sign from the Universe. If you haven’t read The … [Read more...]
Please Sir, I Want Some More
This week I’ve been working on the schedule for launching the 2nd edition of I Was In Love With a Short Man Once. This has me thinking a bit about all the “seconds” in my life – books, marriages, homes, and careers. I do seem to re-direct my life quite a bit. Am I greedy? Indecisive? Perhaps just lucky? https://www.youtube.com/user/TheWomblefootfreak The reality is, the journey to the middle-aged cheap seats is peppered with U-turns, do-overs, and second chances. You can’t reach Club 50 … [Read more...]
What Would Mae Say?
I’m a picker. I love to scavenge through flea markets, estate sales, and yes, even other people's trash, looking for cast-off treasures. I come by it quite naturally via my Irish nana who never passed by a thrift store without first stopping in to peruse the bins, shelves, and dusty corners looking for items that deserved a second chance. I recently did my nana proud when I found this gem tucked away in a pile of forgotten photographs for sale at the annual Luckett's Spring Market: Added … [Read more...]
Dollars to Doughnuts
I have come to love February. Not because of Valentine’s Day and certainly not for the weather. My fondness for this second month of the year has evolved per my family’s involvement in charitable fundraising. My admiration for February began several years ago with my son Jimmy’s participation in THON. Each February–this year it’s February 20 thru 22–something magical happens at Penn State. Thousands of students stay awake and on their feet for 46 hours straight; all united in working … [Read more...]
So Tucked Up
There seems to be quite a bit written lately regarding what couples argue about. Just last week one of my favorite writers, Crystal Ponti, penned a piece for the Huffington Post - 5 Crazy Things Most Couples Fight About. I especially liked Ponti’s take on how assumptions are often the root cause of most misunderstandings and arguments. Ponti is a bit of an expert in this arena: she contributed to the hilarious and recently released Clash of the Couples, which is filled with fabulous tales of … [Read more...]
Mystery Solved: Why Women are Late
A guy friend – not Hubs – recently lamented: Why are women ALWAYS late?? Oh, this is an easy one; I got this. When men leave the house each morning: The TV is on – in every room. Yesterday’s clothes are on the floor. Dirty dishes are in the sink. The kitty litter box is over-flowing. The kids are still in bed. photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/thelotuscarroll/9810243124/">Lotus Carroll</a> via <a … [Read more...]
A Quotable Woman
September is a magical month. As the transition from summer to fall begins, I find myself appreciating any lingering warm days, knowing that cooler temps are on their way. September brings festivals that celebrate pumpkins and mums, apples and wine (for a few tips regarding those wine festivals you can check out Don't Be the Drunk Girl). What’s not to love?! Image provided courtesy of www.gratisography.com I recently discovered another reason why we should all love this month: … [Read more...]
What’s On Your Desk?
“Hello, my name is Kim, and I’m addicted to house porn.” “Hello Kim.” Well, at least that’s what my husband calls it. Yes, I may have a wee bit of a problem: I really can’t walk away from a shelter magazine. The darn things are everywhere: right there next to the snickers in the check-out line, at the nails salon, in the airport kiosk. But, hey, take the magazine, leave the snickers, and no one gets fat! So, what’s the harm? One of my favorite columns is featured each month in … [Read more...]
New Humor Column Debuts – “Dock Tale Hour”
New humor column, "Dock Tale Hour" debuts in Laker Magazine. Read the press release here: Press Release - Dock Tale Hour Debut - 5-2-14 … [Read more...]
It’s the Little Things
Walking my dog Taz this morning, I passed a mom and son waiting for the school bus. As we slowly trotted past, I overheard the boy, I’m guessing about nine years old, regaling all the fascinating intricacies of the silk worm. Mom listened intently as he displayed his prowess in all things silk-worm-esque. As he finished she smiled and said “I think you’ll do fine on your test today.” His little face beamed as he grinned back. When you reach your perch in the middle-aged cheap seats, you are … [Read more...]