I have come to love February. Not because of Valentine’s Day and certainly not for the weather. My fondness for this second month of the year has evolved per my family’s involvement in charitable fundraising. My admiration for February began several years ago with my son Jimmy’s participation in THON. Each February–this year it’s February 20 thru 22–something magical happens at Penn State. Thousands of students stay awake and on their feet for 46 hours straight; all united in working … [Read more...]
What Fifteen Thousand College Students Are Still Teaching Me About Love (Happy Valentine’s Day)
**This blog posted has been updated from its original posting on February 14, 2012** Observing our world from the middle-aged cheap seats, I can recite a litany of reasons to not love what I see. School shootings, freak and destructive storms, crazy political rancor – it can all make a gal a little despondent. However, in the spirit of this upcoming Valentine's Day, I would like to instead share that hope - and youth - springs eternal and is most certainly thriving in a place that has taken a … [Read more...]