Have you ever played the game “Twenty Questions?” Well, I recently had the fun experience of playing a version of this game with Pandora (Dora) Poikilos, at Orangeberry Book Tours. We had a great time discussing all kinds of random topics. Originally posted at http://www.orangeberrybooktours.com/2012/07/author-interview-kimberly-dalferes.html#.T_WkcBt99Jg.facebook, Dora gave me permission to re-post here today. By the way, the Orangeberry Summer Splash Book Tour begins next week (August 1). … [Read more...]
Swingin’ For the Fences
The view from the perch in the middle-aged cheap seats is often backward looking, or at least a bit reflective. The passing of another St. Patrick’s Day last week had me pondering a bit about luck and success and how we define who we are or what we’ve accomplished. Mighty deep thoughts indeed! Particularly on St. Patrick’s Day, the Irish are thought of as a lucky tribe, the whole “pot of gold” or “Luck O’ the Irish” thing. However, as a group the Irish have also certainly suffered their share of … [Read more...]