I love to be involved in interviews. I have friends who hate to be subjected to the “dreaded” author interview. Not me: no question is too weird, too off topic or bizarre. It’s most likely because I’m Irish: we have an opinion about everything, will discuss anything, and we never meet a stranger who we aren’t soon chatting up about all things political, religious, or pop culture-esque. It’s in our DNA – it’s just science.
Over the years, I’ve had interview questions that have stuck with me. I thought I might share some of my faves. I’ve updated a few of my answers.
1. If you could invite any 5 people to dinner who would you choose?
Janet Reno, Erma Bombeck, Katherine Hepburn, Tina Fey, and Mae West (did you know that Mae West was a playwright? The title of her first play: “Sex” – seriously!). I would serve fabulous, decadent desserts and lots of wine.
2. If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you want with you?
1) Sun block
2) Moisturizer
3) My husband
Well, my husband’s not exactly a thing, so I guess the third thing would have to be a solar powered radio. Wait, would the radio work? Scratch the radio; instead I would bring “Surviving On A Desert Island for Dummies.”
3. What is one book everyone should read?
“Surviving On A Desert Island for Dummies”
4. If you were a superhero what would your name be?
Lime Kimba; my superpower would be killer margaritas.
5. How would your friends describe you in 20 words or less?
A get-out-of-jail gal pal who laughs like a horse, sings like a chicken, and drinks like a fish.
6. One food you would never eat?
Eggs; can’t stand them. Not allergic, just don’t like the taste.
7. Pet Peeves?
I’m really not good with passive/aggressiveness. Also, no cleaning your ears in public; that’s just gross.
8. Skittles or M&Ms?
PULEEZE; I’m a girl, chocolate, hello?! M&Ms. Question should be plain or peanut. Discuss.
9. What advice would you give your younger self?
Marry a night owl. Trust me, morning people suck; you are not compatible with that species.
10. What inspired you to want to become a writer?
I came to be a writer, in part, because of my nana’s apple pie recipe. Nana made the best apple pies, but she never wrote down the recipe. Now she’s gone and no one in the family has been able to recreate her masterpiece. I’ve since realized that if I want my side of any story to be remembered, I better put it in writing.
11. Harry Potter or Twilight?
Harry Potter because I. DON’T. DO. VAMPIRES.
12. Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
I received a letter from my high school guidance counselor. She had read my book and loved it. Reconnecting with her after thirty years was remarkable.
13. What is your dream cast for your book?
Since “I Was In Love With a Short Man Once” and “Magic Fishing Panties” are humorous nonfiction essay collections, written in a memoir style, I think Allison Janney would be a perfect fit to play me. As for the other people in my life who are featured in my book, no way am I going to guess who should be cast to play them – NO ONE would be happy with me. Sorry, I can’t risk the fall out.
15. What is your favorite quote?
“Leave the gun, take the cannoli.” I’m also quite fond of quoting Ghostbusters and Animal House.
16. If you were a super hero what would your kryptonite be?
Eggs. Yuck!!! Oh, and any super hero rescue that would require reading a map.
17. What do you do in your free time?
I’m a crazed estate sale junkie. Drives my husband nuts – he equates it to scavenging through dead people’s trash. I love the hunt for a bargain and a treasure. I’ve even shared my favorite estate sale secrets.
18. Finish the sentence- One book I wish I had written is….
“Pride and Prejudice.” What woman doesn’t wish she was Elizabeth Bennett? And don’t even get me started on Mr. Darcy…
19. Favorite places to travel?
Every year our family goes fishing in Alaska. Alaska in the summer is amazingly beautiful. I also love the people of Alaska; they are very genuine. With both the land and the people, what you see is what you get.
20 Favorite music?
Today I’m missing Prince. So sad that we lost this iconic artist this week. His concert was my first of my college days, way back in 1981, right before “1999” made it big. RIP Prince, you were gifted and unique.
Image provided courtesy of http://prince.org/msg/7/414422
Challenge: Pick one of the questions above and leave your answer in the comments section. I know your answers will be wonderful!
Joyce Hansen says
I’d have to go with the estate sales. I live in a retirement community, so there is consistent turnover. It’s fascinating to see what people have collected. I wonder what others will think of my collection when they get to it? Great post BTW.
Kimba says
Oh, me too! Sometimes while attending estate sales, I make up stories based on the people’s stuff. You’ve got me wondering what folks would come up with based on my stuff. I see a blog post about this in the near future – thanks for the idea!
Marquita Herald says
Wonderful as always Kimba! To the challenge, I think “If you were a super hero what would your kryptonite be?” is a good one for me because I have a real problem with whiny people. Seriously, someone very influential in my past was a whiny person and when she got started she slipped into a southern drawl and this made listening to her akin to repeatedly dragging fingernails across a blackboard. In fact, just talking about her is making the muscles in my shoulders bunch up. Too bad the sun hasn’t even come up yet or I’d head for the wine. Maybe a little brandy for the coffee. 🙂
Kimba says
Oh yeah, whiny people are a a big “aw hellz no” in my world. And I’ll take a sip of that brandy if you don’t mind! 🙂
Debby Carroll says
Love this post. Made me laugh. Janet Reno was by far the big surprise, though. Interesting choice… For me it’s What is your dream cast for your book? Since it’s a memoir with young me and old me, I’m choosing Jennifer Lawrence and Susan Sarandon for both of me. Why? Because in my fantasy, I may as well look better than I ever could in real life, right? And, Richard Gere for my husband, both young and old because, well, he’s hot at any age and doesn’t book me deserve that for having put up with insane family members my whole life?
Kimba says
I worked in the Reno administration at DOJ (I know – surprise!) and she was my idol. Her integrity was never, ever in question, and in DC that’s a tall order. And of course “book you” (I love this term!) deserves the hottest husband ever.
Reba Linker says
I’m with you on #17, scavenging through dead people’s stuff! It sounds so gross but I just can’t help myself – I love it!
Delightful post!
Kimba says
A sister estate sale junkie – whoop! Have you ever done the World’s Longest Yard Sale – first week of August each year? http://www.127yardsale.com/ It’s on my bucket list!
Barbara Kram says
Honey, you already DO make Killer Margaritas. You even excel at Tequila shots, straight up.
Kimba says
I miss shots with you my dear – come to the lake!!