As Thanksgiving approaches, I’m reminded of how grateful I am for a family who loves and supports me, a husband who puts up with me, and a son who makes me laugh every day. I have the added joy of announcing that just this week my son Jimmy attained the status of ABD – “All But Dissertation” – in his trek toward doctorhood. Proud mama is bursting with pride as Jimmy moves ever closer to #MYSONTHEDOCTUH! Image provided courtesy of … [Read more...]
Are the Best Things in Life Free?
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the cost of things. Why? Because my first book, I Was In Love With a Short Man Once is currently free (FREE!) as a Kindle download through Friday, November 13th. No strings attached, just a little gift. Of course, I’m hoping for some honest reviews from you nice people, but there’s no obligation whatsoever. I’m guessing you might be a little skeptical, because, is free ever really free? For example, here in the DC area, I love to visit the Smithsonian … [Read more...]
The Cat’s Away, Wanna Play?
A gal pal of mine recently told me a fabulous secret (that she gave me permission to share). She loves that her husband genuinely tries to help around the house (there are guys out there like this, it’s not an urban myth). He even cooks! A true keeper, right?! However, he seems to not get the whole idea that you don’t just take out the trash, you do occasionally have to also clean out the bins. However, she doesn’t want to discourage his good deeds, so, she confided that when he is traveling or … [Read more...]
Stray Dogs & Ugly Pumpkins
(Because I'm traveling this week, I"m featuring one of my favorite previous posts - updated just a bit.) I love Fall. Cooler weather, colorful leaves, and the first fire in the fireplace all make me happy. One of my favorite Fall rituals: local harvest festivals. I’m a sucker for bales of hay, tractor rides, and apple cider. Perhaps this is my preferred time of year because I grew up in Florida, where there are only two seasons: tourist and hurricane. At a local fall festival last weekend … [Read more...]
Once Again, With Feeling
Please indulge this announcement: this week we gave birth to a 212 page bouncing baby book! I say “we” here because it was a group effort–a team of editors, proofers, designers, reviewers, hand holders, tequila drinkers, and one crazy publisher–who wrapped this little bundle in an intriguing cover and presented her to the world. I’m a bit biased, but I think she’s beautiful. World, we present to you, Magic Fishing Panties! This isn’t our first rodeo–we published I Was In Love With a Short … [Read more...]
Give a Little Bit
The other day, as I hurriedly rushed from one errand to another, a favorite tune popped up on the radio: Give A Little Bit by Supertramp. Supertramp always transports me back to my youth. However, this recent sing-along took on a bit of a different meaning as I thought about the organizations whose work I admire and support. And, wouldn’t you know it, tomorrow–Saturday, September 5–is the International Day of Charity. Yep, I love it when the Universe speaks to me! It comes as little surprise … [Read more...]
Please Sir, I Want Some More
This week I’ve been working on the schedule for launching the 2nd edition of I Was In Love With a Short Man Once. This has me thinking a bit about all the “seconds” in my life – books, marriages, homes, and careers. I do seem to re-direct my life quite a bit. Am I greedy? Indecisive? Perhaps just lucky? The reality is, the journey to the middle-aged cheap seats is peppered with U-turns, do-overs, and second chances. You can’t reach Club 50 … [Read more...]
We Interrupt This Blog
We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog post to make an important announcement: The 2nd edition of I Was In Love With a Short Man Once will be released by Booktrope Publishing on June 23rd! Cover design by Lizzie Russell, WOO HOO! To celebrate, let’s play a game of twenty questions. Here we go: 1. What inspired you to write this book? My nana’s apple pie recipe. Nana made the best apple pies, but she never wrote down the recipe. Now she’s gone and no … [Read more...]
What Would Mae Say?
I’m a picker. I love to scavenge through flea markets, estate sales, and yes, even other people's trash, looking for cast-off treasures. I come by it quite naturally via my Irish nana who never passed by a thrift store without first stopping in to peruse the bins, shelves, and dusty corners looking for items that deserved a second chance. I recently did my nana proud when I found this gem tucked away in a pile of forgotten photographs for sale at the annual Luckett's Spring Market: Added … [Read more...]
Dear St. Peter, About Those Christmas Lights
When my son Jimmy was young, circa second or third grade, he shared with me that he was pondering – as children often do – some of the secrets of the universe. I recall the conversation going something like this: “Mom, I have an idea about how we get into heaven.” “Why are you thinking about that?” “Don’t know. So, when we’re born we get 100 sins.” “OK…” “We get to make 100 mistakes. Anymore, and we don’t get into heaven.” “How did you come up with this?” “Don’t know. Thing … [Read more...]