Jerry Lewis has it wrong. For years he’s been stumbling over the idea that women can - or can't - be funny. OK, he’s 88 years old, so maybe we should cut him a little slack and not go straight to what an uber-schmuck. On the other hand, come on dude! It’s almost 2015, do we really need to have this discussion? photo credit: <a href="">numberstumper</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a … [Read more...]
As featured in Laker Magazine: Now Read This!
Laker Magazine, "Now Read This," Local Author Spotlight May 2014. Now Read This_ I Was in Love With a Short Man Once - Smith Mountain Lake … [Read more...]
A Bend in the Road
One of the benefits of hanging out in the middle-aged cheap seats is that you can glance up into the rearview mirror every once in awhile and contemplate where your life has taken an unexpected turn. I recently took a trip back to my college alma mater: Florida State (GO NOLES!). That weekend spent in Tallahassee has had me thinking about all the times over these past years when the decision to turn left or right; to move forward or to stay put; has had lasting consequences. There have been … [Read more...]