Thanks to Geraldo Rivera's now infamous Too. Much. Information tweet-pic of his seventy-year-old naked torso – and he damn near showed us Christmas and ALL the presents – I’ve noticed quite a bit of conjecture by the media regarding age, aging, anti-aging, youth, beauty, and wrinkles. Under headlines such as “Is Seventy the New Fifty?” everyone seems to be professing new benchmarks such as forty is the new thirty or fifty is the new forty. Here’s an idea – how about we all try this one on … [Read more...]
Club Fifty
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are over 4 million of us in the United States who claim 1963 as the year of our birth. We just squeaked into the “baby boomer generation” which officially includes those born between 1946 and 1964. Our sub-group (and many millions more world-wide) will collectively be joining “Club Fifty” this year; finishing our fifth decade here and realizing the not so shocking reality that we are now officially the older generation. A … [Read more...]