WHEREAS Kimba usually dislikes New Year’s resolutions, but is willing to give it one more shot; and
WHEREAS Kimba was pretty happy with how 2013 turned out and wants to hedge her bets for a stellar 2014; and
WHEREAS Kimba is a Virgo, and this just seems to be a fancy way to make a to-do list; which is fine by her.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that this crazy southern Irish gal – also known as Kimba – hereby:
- Vows to not go bat crap crazy every time her husband leaves a dirty dish in the kitchen sink. Not every time…
- Promises to finish writing Magic Fishing Panties, sign a publishing contract, and throw one helluva a book release party.
- May on occasion leave the bed unmade, preferably at least once a week, perhaps on Sundays. Could start a new messy Sunday revolution.
- Acknowledges that, having joined Club Fifty this year, she will schedule that colonoscopy that everyone – including her doctor – says she’s gotta get done. To blog or not to blog about the experience… jury is still out.
- Affirms to be a kinder, gentler Kimba, even to the crazies who drive in Northern Virginia.
- Asserts to spend less time on her I-phone, I-pad, laptop, and all electronics that suck out her soul. She loves you Facebook, but time to create some healthy boundaries.
APPROVED: Father Time
DATE PASSED: This December 31, 2013
I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed by the keeper of all New Year’s resolutions at a regular meeting duly convened on December 31, 2013.
Sorry, Couldn’t Find a Soul Who Would Agree to Sign As Acting Responsibly on New Year’s Eve…
How about you: any New Year’s resolutions you’d like to share?
Cheers and Happy New Year,
I love the messy Sunday idea. I may copy that one. Don’t worry’ I’ll credit you as the author. Each time someone sees my unmade bed I’ll say it was your idea!
LOL – "Kimba made me not do it!" That'll be a first.
Kimba, what a fun post! You have some great resolutions. I feel like I am constantly making resolutions for my personal life and for my writing…So the New Year is not needed for me to focus…however…I still make them! 🙂
Deanna, wishing you lots of fun – and maybe a few accomplished goals – in 2014.
How funny – well yes, I must confess I do not "do" New Years resolutions, however you've definitely inspired me to add a few personal innovations to my goals for the year Kimba. 🙂
You're right Marty, goals sound so much better than resolutions.
Well, mine are not New Year's resolutions but rather the hope that my writing muse won't leave me until I finish working on and publish my books, sometime in summer. Otherwise, all' good in my universe so no hard resolutions needed! 🙂 but good luck with yours! And, if not a secret, what's your book about?
Good luck with your books Karo – more than one? Wow! "Magic Fishing Panties" will be the follow-up to "I Was In Love With a Short Man Once." Same genre – humorous narrative non-fiction. Short essays with a bit of a twist. What do you write about?
Both books are about poetry (both nonfiction). One is about what life lessons we can learn from poetry–some of my blog entries will end up in there, and the other one is basically my collection of poems I had written over the years, but under each poem I tell the readers the story/the circumstances in which the poem was written. So it's a memoir in poems, sort of. 🙂
What an optimistic approach to those "re-solutions" that we will be recycling as another new year begins. Even though it is reported most of them are broken or forgotten within a few months, it is a good practice to re-evaluate & renew our goals. Thanks for getting us started with such an enjoyable post 🙂
Thx Delmy. Are you making any resolutions?
I love the last one. I need to start setting some boundaries for myself as well when it comes to computer time.
Yeah, I can get lost in the black hole and I look up and it's several hours later! Sometimes I think my computer is really the den of the Lotus Eaters…
Hi Kimba, Loved your post. It seems like you have a lot of the same resolutions as me…except I want to paint a new painting every week instead of finishing a book….actually I want to start writing mine…not sure what to write about…(any ideas?) I also asserts to spend less time on my laptop because at times it does suck out my soul as well. I love you Facebook very much, but creating some healthy boundaries is the one I'll focus on.
Thank you for sharing,
Thx Nathalie. I love your paintings and look forward to seeing your beautiful work in 2014. Folks, if you’re looking for a unique present for that special someone, check out Nathalie’s creations at
Dear Kimba
Ooh I guess now is the time to start thinking of these resolutions for next year! Mine will be on the topic of freedom and travel but I haven't defined them yet. Love your blog as usual! 🙂 xxx
Thx Jen! "Freedom and travel" so, where are you planning to go?
Resolution-free zone here! I am a lifelong learner, though, so EVERY day is one of growth and learning in some way. Have a lovely New Year!
Happy NY to you too Martine. BTW, I love your name; my best friend's mother is named Martine…
Ah..those resolutions are like promises..made to be broken. I truly hope to just appreciate what I have, look life straight in the eye every day & say "bring it on" & not complain about the cold whenever I visit family in the winter!
LOL, let's see how you do with that "not complaining about the cold weather" when we see you on the 25th!! 😉