According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are over 4 million of us in the United States who claim 1963 as the year of our birth. We just squeaked into the “baby boomer generation” which officially includes those born between 1946 and 1964. Our sub-group (and many millions more world-wide) will collectively be joining “Club Fifty” this year; finishing our fifth decade here and realizing the not so shocking reality that we are now officially the older generation.
A quick factoid: A person aged 50 years, or in their fifties, is known as a quinquagenarian. Am I the only who has a difficult time pronouncing quin·qua·ge·nar·i·an??
The one event that most recount almost immediately when recalling 1963 is that President Kennedy was tragically assassinated in Dallas, TX in November of that year. But I got to thinking: what else – events, people, etc. – will be celebrating admission to Club Fifty along with me in 2013? For whom else is 1963 a significant milestone?
- Two televisions shows that I definitely remember from my childhood debuted in 1963: My Favorite Martian and The French Chef (ala Julia Childs). MFM in particular exemplifies the campiness of many of the sitcoms from the sixties – were you a fan?
- 2013 is the 50th anniversary of the release of The Beatles’ first album, Please Please Me, which burst onto the music scene on March 22, 1963. This album (yes, they were called albums back in 1963) also included “I Saw Her Standing There” and “Love Me Do” – you’re welcome for that little earworm.
- Amazing Spider-Man #1 hit shelves 50 years ago, on March 10, 1963. By the way, if you happened to be around in 1963 and purchased this little comic for 12¢, you are now the proud owner of a collectible worth an estimated $40,000.
I appear to be in good company this year: others who will be marking Club Fifty status include Johnny Depp, Michael Jordan, Brad Pitt, and Jennifer Beals – I still love the tunes from her iconic 1980s film Flashdance.
- Celebrating with me will be the TLHS Class of 1981 – almost all joining Club Fifty this year. Happy Birthday and GO RAMS (been quite awhile since I exclaimed those two words…)!
So here’s to the joys of Club Fifty membership – that AARP card is surely in the mail!
How do you feel about your current age? Do you believe that Club Fifty status is a significant milestone?
PS: a special shout-out to Keith R. whose birthday this coming weekend inspired this post. You, my friend, make fifty look easy!
Am in the next decade but appreciated the walk down memory lane. I " grew " a lot in my 50's .. enjoy !
Thx for stopping by Terry – wuld love to hear your best advice for those of us just starting our fifth decade…
Friend of mine shared this today – fun addendum to this post – 50 Things That Turn 50 This Year –
The big 50….remember it well. My husband and daughter engineered a birthday party for me….managed to totally surprise me too. I remember 1963 very well, I was in the 7th grade.
Rachel, love that your family was able to pull-off a surprise 50th for you; I bet that took some creativity (little shout out to your blog this week :-)… ). Thx for stopping by.
I Love getting older and wiser. I had my 4.0 upgrade last year and am looking forward to my 5.0 upgrade. Great article.
A "5.0 upgrade" – THAT. IS. BRILLIANT. Will be using that again – thanks Suzanne!
I'm with Suzie, I feel great about my age. In fact I really don't give it much thought. I know so many people younger than I am that act older, and on the other end of the scale one of my closest friends is 83 yrs and she is brilliant, active in her community and manages the gift shop at her church. As far as I'm concerned, the key to remaining young at heart is all about attitude and staying active.
I'm with you Marti – "act your age" is so over-rated!! How about "act your shoe size?" 🙂
Love your energizing post! Being one of the "first" baby boomers I enjoyed the walk down memory lane you shared with us! You made me smile all through the reading. I believe it is not how old we are but how old we feel, especially appreciating what we have become at our particular age. Reaching fifty is indeed arriving at the golden age especially with all the resources availabe to live a longer better life.
At fifty, I do think we learn to appreciate our health a bit more. Being healthy is something that can be taken for granted a bit when we are younger. Thx for stopping by!
Hi Kimberly,
I call them the spirit of the sixties! In actually fact tomorrow my country of origin Kenya will be celebrating their 50th birthday 50 years since we got our independence from being ruled by the British. It was a milestone for the people of Kenya.
Elizabeth, I love that Kenya will also be celebrating their 50th year this year! My family is very involved in an effort called "Nyambani" in Kenya. Amazing country and people.
I've been in club fifty for 3 years and don't feel a bit different to when I was 16 – except wiser thankfully 🙂 But then according to my astro chart I am a Puella. Somehow I bet you know what that is ;). I don't remember those TV shows at all as I grew up in the UK but I remember dancing to Love me do etc in my Grans house. For me I do know that the famous Mini is the same age as me as is the M1 Motorway in the UK 🙂
Louise, I will indeed be in good company, when I join Club 50 in August, with you as a member!!
Hi Kimba, …I can't even begin to pronounce quinquagenarian. I was born in 1964 and the events surrounding that year in Canada could be something for me to look at. That's interesting to see what was around for you. I do know that spiderman was my brother's favorite comic character…He had a shirt with spiderman on it and I remember him not wanting to take it off at bedtime…so it became his jammies….LOL
My brother was TOTALLY in to the X-men; and my son loved the power rangers (which he denies; but I have pics!).
I have a few years to go before I am eligible for club membership. I am far from a baby boomer and I don't remember, obviously, many of your references though I know them and love them too. Your generatin created some very cool things. And I can't wait to be 50. I look at many of those who are older than I and I love the way they know themselves and the ways in which they simply "call 'em like ya see 'em" I admire that and look forward to the days when my peers feel that comfortable with what they have going on. Congrats and Happy Birthday!
Kate, you are in a very cool age as well. Your woman-tribe may not be ready to "call 'em like they see 'em," but you're all having fun forging your path!!
Where on earth did the time go ?
I always thought the saying, "Time flies as you get older" was something old folks said.
I find myself saying it all the time !!!!
You might be in Club Fifty if: you have ever said "back in my day…."
Great post. Thanks for the mention. 50 is easy!
You my friend, are an inspiration to baby boomers everywhere!
LOVED MFM! Mr. Ed was around then too right?
Mr Ed, Gilligan's Island, I Dream of Jeannie …. some of my favorites!
What fun and thanks for the memories. JFK, The Beatles and more As a baby boomer slight older than you, I feel great about being my age and don't feel at all old- it's a state of mind
Namaste ♥♡♥
Namaste indeed Suzie. The best is yet to be…