We have found a witch, may we burn her? How do you know she is a witch? She looks like one! “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” Hmm… what exactly does a witch look like? The sad truth is that by most estimates, up through the 1700s, 40,000 or more people were executed under suspicion of practicing witchcraft; based primarily upon their religious beliefs, independent or rebellious behaviors, and some interesting physical characteristics including… left-handedness. Being a … [Read more...]
Never Trust Someone With Thin Lips
I’m sometimes asked “where do you get your inspiration for your blog topics?” Most days the universe just speaks to me. Take today for example: this is my 13th blog post, and today is Friday the 13th. Coincidence? Hmm… It appears that the question of the day is: are you a superstitious person? Do you believe in luck? Superstitions, by definition, are beliefs based in something supernatural or a feeling or an instinct. Some superstitions may be somewhat fact-based: it may be bad luck to walk … [Read more...]
Swingin’ For the Fences
The view from the perch in the middle-aged cheap seats is often backward looking, or at least a bit reflective. The passing of another St. Patrick’s Day last week had me pondering a bit about luck and success and how we define who we are or what we’ve accomplished. Mighty deep thoughts indeed! Particularly on St. Patrick’s Day, the Irish are thought of as a lucky tribe, the whole “pot of gold” or “Luck O’ the Irish” thing. However, as a group the Irish have also certainly suffered their share of … [Read more...]