You're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead. Your next stop: The Erma Zone. On New Year’s Day, son Jimmy threw down this gauntlet: Mom, what are YOU going to do this year to get out of YOUR comfort zone? He was just off to graduate school and I had asked him this same question. FYI, you are an official occupant of the middle-aged … [Read more...]
How Do You Know She’s a Witch?
We have found a witch, may we burn her? How do you know she is a witch? She looks like one! “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” Hmm… what exactly does a witch look like? The sad truth is that by most estimates, up through the 1700s, 40,000 or more people were executed under suspicion of practicing witchcraft; based primarily upon their religious beliefs, independent or rebellious behaviors, and some interesting physical characteristics including… left-handedness. Being a … [Read more...]