2010 was our “Year of the Money Pit.” In the middle of a major (read: expensive) master bathroom remodel, our home’s HVAC system ceased to work. Just shut right down. This unexpected, LARGE expense was followed closely by another surprise: our septic tank was failing and had to be immediately replaced. They say when it rains, it pours; well 2010 was our monsoon season.
Consequently, I was put on a remodeling and redecorating diet for 2011 and 2012. No big projects allowed. I was relegated to painting, wall paper removal, and mulching the flower beds. For most of 2011 I behaved myself and kept the projects to a minimum. However, come 2012, I started to get “antsy.”
Husband Greg eyed me warily as I cautiously brought up ideas for home improvements, perusing all my shelter magazines (affectionately referred to as my “house porn”) and looking for ideas for upgrades and makeovers.
“Just remember,” noted Greg, “we’re still on that diet, right?”
I had been itching to remodel the powder room off the kitchen. I wondered: could I be happy with just a little bit of a facelift and keep the cost under $500? Kimba’s Budget DIY Challenge was born.
PHASE 1: Wallpaper stripping and painting
There is something very therapeutic about pulling down wallpaper. Oh, don’t get me wrong; it’s messy and time consuming, but the process can also provide a great sense of accomplishment when finished. The trick is that you must use a “paper tiger” – a cool little perforating tool that allows you to really soak the paper. I saved quite a bit on this phase by doing all the work myself and using leftover paint from another project.
Cost breakdown:
- 1 gallon of vinegar – $3.25
- Paper tiger – $7
- Spackling – $4
- paint tray liner – $1.5
- Painter’s tape – $3.75.
Best Kimba DIY Challenge Lesson(s): Very hot water mixed with vinegar in a spray bottle works wonders to help remove stubborn wallpaper and has got to be better for the environment than that toxic blue goo.
**GRAND TOTAL SO FAR: $23.25**
PHASE 2: Hardware and Accessories
I was unable to find a new medicine cabinet that would fit into the existing tiny space above the sink. In order to circumvent the need to cut a larger hole in the wall, I went with painting the medicine cabinet mirror frame. It turned out pretty well; all it cost was a can of spray paint for $6!
Cost of hardware and accessories: $113.
Best Kimba DIY Challenge Lesson(s):
It’s incredibly difficult to install a toilet paper holder and keep it level.
Surprisingly costliest hardware: the new door handle at $30!
Biggest cost savings (in addition to the spray-painted mirror frame): shopping at home – found a vase, a trash can, and art work in the basement that all now look great in the powder room.
**GRAND TOTAL TO-DATE: $136.25**
THIRD AND FINAL PHASE: Faucet and Lighting
Scored a great lighting deal online for just $45. The faucet from the big box store, with the military discount, was just $98. Cost of faucet & plumbing & lighting: $166.
God love my husband; five trips to Home Depot but he finally got the faucet installed… and dripless!
Best Kimba DIY Challenge Lesson(s): shop online, but know when you are getting a good deal. The lighting fixture for $45 (including shipping) was a great online find for sure, but the faucet online would have cost $123. The big box store cost for the exact same faucet was just $98. A little shout out here to Home Depot and all the stores that offer a military discount; thank you for your support of the troops.
So, what was the grand total for Kimba’s entire DIY challenge?
- Paint and supplies: $23.25
- Hardware and accessories: $113
- Faucet, plumbing, and lighting: $166
- Last minute artwork splurge: $37
**GRAND TOTAL (drum roll…): $339.25… $160 under budget, even with the last minute artwork purchase for over the toilet!**
This little experiment has convinced me that it is possible to update a room on a limited or small budget. I’m thinking about shopping a new show to Home and Garden Television or the DIY Network : Kimba’s DIY Challenge. What do you think? Anyone out there have a distant cousin over at the networks who can get me a meeting? In exchange I’ll gladly update their laundry room for them; just let me know!
I have done much remodeling in my life and we recently finished our basement. It gave us great pleasure to find bargains! Such fun.
Louise Edington
The Networking Naturopath
Louise, I am sure that a basement remodel is a huge under-taking. Congrats to you for having a fun experience – hope it's a place of fun and laughter this weekend.
You and I would have a field trip taking remodeling, re-designing, staging and decorating projects! I did it for a few years and called my business "Dazzle Staging" I had a blog and everything…Great experience! I stopped almost 2 years ago and only do it for my home…my main passion is painting (I paint expression of women on canvas) I love your passion, tips, and sense of humor! You are awesome 😉
Nathalie, something tells me you are a wonderful artist – and I'm betting your home is just beautiful.
Hi Kimba,
You have inspired me to finish a half completed bath and spruce up the other 🙂 Thank goodness I don't have to deal with wallpaper though!
You are indeed a lucky soul to no have to deal with wallpaper removal. Good luck with the sprucing up – hope to see your before and after pics.
very impressive Kimba!! wish you were in the UK 🙂 I'll Pin your Post to 'My Team Blogs' on Pinterest – you never know if a TV producer will see you there:)
Thanks Jacs! Will look for you on Pinterest – I'm a fellow Pinterest Junkie. Hey, we could do "Kimba DIY Challenge UK"!