A few weeks ago I asked my Club Fifty gal pals to help me choose a new mascara for my increasingly skimpy eyelashes. As a result, many of you also forwarded your recommendations for additional products that are must haves for anyone, but especially those of us in our fifth decade and beyond. This got me to thinking:
What products would I recommend, from thrifty to expensive – but worth every penny?
photo credit: <a href=”https://www.flickr.com/photos/benmcleod/991447665/”>Ben McLeod</a> via <a href=”http://photopin.com”>photopin</a> <a href=”http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/”>cc</a>
I’ve always been frugal – my mama raised me right – but I’ve learned over the years that sometimes the cheapest isn’t always worth it. A 600 thread count set of sheets for $20 isn’t going to last through too many washings. I’m no longer hesitant to spend a little extra for quality, but I always also check Retailmenot before buying anything online (their coupons codes can save you quite a bit, especially free shipping options). I scour thrift stores and discount chains for great bargains, but it ain’t a bargain if it won’t last longer than one season out on the back porch. I’ve learned to be discerning. For example, last month I found a monster of a deal at Steinmart: 8 seat cushions for my outdoor patio table and chairs for $13 each (regular retail price $29 each). With my 50% off coupon they were just $6.50 a piece! And, they are a name brand that is going to withstand some wear and tear. Can I get a woot woot?!
Here are a few of my beauty product recommendations – steals, deals, and splurges. Just a note that I’ve received no compensation for any of these suggestions; just offering them up to ya’ll as one gal pal to another.
- For the Shower: Splurge – Molton Brown shower gel. I discovered this deluxe body wash a decade ago during a trip to England (in the duty-free shop, of course!). I’ve been hooked ever since. I’m partial to the “black pepper” version. I know that sounds odd, but it’s a unique scent that isn’t too flowery. Deal – Trader Joe’s Lavender Salt Scrub. Gal pal Dani turned me on to this skin saver (thanks again chica!). It seems a bit greasy at first, but it will leave your skin super soft. The Huffington Post has noted it as a #1 best beauty buy at TJ, at just $6 for a large container!
- For the Tub: Splurge – bath bombs from Lush. These are not inexpensive, but the bath products from this company are handmade and the epitome of luxurious. For moisturizing, I like the “Avobath Bomb.” Deal – Dr. Teams Epson Salt Soaking Solution. This stuff does wonders for soaking after a workout. I like the version scented with lavender, and it’s less than $5 a bag!
- For the Feet: Splurge – salon pedicures. As some of you know, I sport size 11 puppies. So, I try to take good care of my tootsies and make them as pretty as possible. I invest often in a good pedicure. But here’s a save secret: buy a quality bottle of polish (I like OPI) and take it with you for the salon to use. This way if you need a little touch-up, you can do it yourself and prolong the time between trips to the salon.
- For the Face: Splurge and Save (expensive, but worth saving my skin!) – Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate. I have religiously applied moisturizer every night since I was 25 years old. Having grown up in sunny FLA I should have started sooner. For midlife skin, this product is the best potion I’ve found for preserving and smoothing my complexion. I often stalk their website for deals and periodic promotions. I recommend putting yourself on their e-mail list – it’s worth it.
Now let’s hear from you:
What are your recommended steals, deals, and splurges? Any products that you absolutely swear by, no matter the cost? Any great deals?
Thanks for this super-helpful information! I thought I was the only person who is having eyelash issues …. will be going back to check out that post as it is time to start wearing mascara more regularly!
It seems skimpy eyelashses are as prevalent amongst Club 50 members as empty nests and menopause. I do have a friend that swears by Latisia – by prescription. But, a side effect is possible and irreversible change in eye color – not risking my green eyes!
I love the mascars tip on Castor oil- going to try that as mine are diminishing too. Great share- you have inspired me to se if we have something besides groupon here down under. I want Trader Joe’s Lavender Salt Scrub. 🙂
Hey Suzie – does Trader Joe's ship? Hope so, I think you would love a lot of their products.
All such great ideas and like everyone else I'm headed back to the mascera post because ever since I turned 50 I hate all of my make-up.
The one make-up product that I had to give up in my late forties was face powder. I loved how it evened out my skin tone in my thirties. But, a decade later all it was doing was emphasizing every little crevice. I"ve also switched to a foundation (I don't really wear that much) that offers some moistutizer.
LOL – looks like I'm too late to comment on the mascara post, but my comment was a DEAL option, too so pretty good for this feed.
Castor oil.
Yup. You can mix it with Vitamin E but I just do castor oil. I have a pack of disposable masacara wands and a small container (found a treat option for an empty tube with wand for cheap, too, though). I apply the oil to my lashes and eyesbrows once or twice a week before bed.
Thicker, fuller, blacker lashes. It's amazing and much better than the pricey serums.
Your castor oil suggestion is a big hit – can't wait to see if it works for everyone. I know I'm going to try it!
I missed the mascara post, but will go back and comment there, too.
I love Anmarie's hankie observation. Old school and logical. LOVE IT.
On my way to Trader Joes for the Lavendar Sea Salt Scrub. Sounds seriously pampering!!! Thanks!
Hope the scrub works for you Ruth. And while at TJ, check out their wine selectin, not exactly a beauty product, but, since you'll be there anyway…
Love ready all your recommendations, especially the shower gel. But black pepper? Achoo!!
Molton Brown has quite a few scents, I know the black pepper might not be to everyone's taste. Let me know if you try a different version.
Always good suggetions for my generation too! Thanks for the post Kim, & I got a few ideas for future b-day gifts for you! Love you!
LOL – alwasy happy to inspire you!
I am blessed, or cursed, with oily skin. I have teenage skin in my 50s, complete with break outs. What ever happened to Stridex? LOL. My must is Stryvecton. Check it out at the SkinStore!
I've had others also recommend strivectin. May have to try that one out. Thx for the tip.
How did I miss the masacara post? I must go back! Skimpy girl (lashes, anyway) too! Thanks for these!
Hey Carol, I'm going to try Ellen's castor oil tip for the lashes problem. Will let you know how it goes.
Oh I love this and thanks for the tip on Retailmenot. Living on an island I do most of my shopping online and shipping costs are just obscene! The other day I wanted to order a new dust cover for one of my printers – now mind you it's a flimsy thing that would easily fit into a padded envelope. The cost of the product was $14 – shipping $13.50! At this moment there's a towel drapped over my printer and that's the way it'll stay until I get a better deal or make my own – which is a very real option. Thanks for the inspiration and tips Kimba!
LOL Marty – good luck with that printer cover. My just hangs out, rather naked. Do printers need covers – have I been slacking?
Bare Minerals Bisque (it's a concealer). BEST THING EVER. You could just wear this. It really hides all those red lines, rosacea splotches etc.
THX Shelley. I am definitely going to check out the Bare Minerals line of products.
Thanks much Kimba. I too have learned that "you get what you pay for"!
Yep, you get what you pay for is definitely wisdom that comes with age an experience. Sort to flike knowing that the garlic ice cream is probably going to be a bad idea.
Hi Kimba,
I loved this! Didn't know about that web site to get coupons (I'm just starting to be more mindful about this sort of thing) and I do love many of the products you mentioned. It's pretty awesome how much you were able to save on those cushions! I will be sure to give that web site and try, and am looking forward to checking out the Kiehl's moisturizer you mentioned. I agree–I try to be frugal when possible, but sometimes it's worth spending the money. I spend on foundation (Bare Minerals, Laura Mercier, or Clinique) and save on body wash–there's some great ones at Rite Aid these days, like Olay and Calgon with modern scents. No need to overspend there!
You're the second person here to mention Bare Minerals product line.Must be a keeper.
Sounds silly but in hot weather I won't leave the house without a cotton hanky to keep the 'glow' of summer heat in check. Cheap and cheerful beauty solution!
A cotton hanky – brilliant! Old school retro cool.