Dear AWM:
Let me start by noting that I understand how disappointed you are that your candidate did not win the race to become President of the United States. I’ve been on the losing side of an election and I know that it can make you feel very dejected. No one likes to lose; especially an election where so much rhetoric was produced by heated debates and with no clear front runner going right up to election day. I honestly do understand your passion and commitment to a candidate and a cause. What I do not understand is hatred based solely upon a bumper sticker.
When you walked across the grocery store parking lot, and began screaming at me “THANK YOU FOR DESTROYING MY COUNTRY!!!” I at first thought you must have been yelling at someone else. Why on Earth would a stranger, someone I had never laid eyes on before in my life, be screaming at me at 9 a.m.?! It took a few seconds for my not-yet-awake-brain to register that you were actually yelling at ME… because of the bumper sticker on my car. I did try to be rational: I emphasized that I didn’t even know you. Your repeated screaming of “THANK YOU FOR DESTROYING MY COUNTRY!!” caused me to regrettably lose my cool and digress to calling you a not-so-nice slang term for the body part used to sit on a chair. I sincerely wish I had not done that.
What I do wish I had done instead was invite you to walk across the parking lot to the local Starbucks and have a cup a coffee with me. Why? Because there a few things I would like to tell you about me and why I truly love my country.
I believe in democracy and I believe in the process; even if I don’t always like the outcome. Our political system has endured and flourished for more than two centuries. We are so very fortunate to live in a place where both you and I can vote and choose our leaders. I do not take this for granted.
· I am the wife of a Veteran. I’ve lived through a long deployment and every day I am proud that my family can serve our country in this way.
· I’ve worked my entire career – as a state and federal government employee as well as within the non-profit arena – to improve the lives of adults, protect children, and keep our communities safe. I chose this career because I wanted to make our country a better place – not because I ever wanted to destroy it. I am not the enemy; I am your neighbor.
So much of what is wrong with our nation right now is perpetuated by this “if you do not agree with me; you are the enemy” mentality. Americans need to be better than this. A recent article by the always brilliant Danielle Brian of the Project On Government Oversight noted that: “All this anger and unwillingness to listen, currently typical of the American public, is also now typical in Congress. Gridlock and paralysis are the new norm as the members of Congress stick blindly to their party lines, rather than acting in the best interest of our nation.” My position is that we cannot expect Congress to behave better if we don’t start with the person in the mirror.
So, AWM, I hope your anger subsides. I hope you will never again accost a stranger in a parking lot based on nothing more than a sticker on a bumper. I believe you are better than that. I bet your Mama raised you better than that.
PS: How about YOU – how do you feel about the current rancor? Is there a way to find some common ground? What advice would you give to the 113th Congress when it begins in January?
Lydia Brown says
Kim I enjoyed this post. It really touches on a sore spot I have had shortly before election day and definitely after the election. What gets under my nerves is how some people I respected as business friends on some social media platforms turned into disrespectful idiots. I was shocked at the separation our country is in because of this election. No matter who says it I am more interested in moving forward and I don't want to rely on the government to do it. We can't particpate in our countries growth if we have forgotten that we all have the right to chose and move on.
Kim Dalferes says
Lydia, you are so right – I was shocked at some of the comments that MY FRIENDS posted to my personal Facebook page. I understand passion; I do not understand mean-spirited and nasty commentary. Thanks so much for stopping by.
Louise Edington says
I so love this post and mention politics in my post this week also. The hatred and the 'we are so right' attitude is just soul destroying in this country. I can't even stand the fact that at least one commenter here had to turn this into an argument about why their side is right!!! I also applaud your message and it's time to start being more loving to others no matter what their beliefs. Great post <3
Louise Edington
Your Cosmic Guide
Kim Dalferes says
Thanks for stopping by Louise. Your "love" sentiment on your blog post is encouraging; working to do my part to improving the human condition, one cup of coffee at a time…
marquita herald says
I have a confession to make – I first saw this blog post last week and glossed over it for the simple reason I saw it had to do with politics. I'm so glad I finally took the time to read your article! So, maybe you'll forgive me when I tell I not only agree with your point, I applaud your message and amen!
Kim Dalferes says
Marquita, I am so glad you came back for a second look! I'm hoping that our elected officials can work out a solution to the looming fiscal cliff issues – but even more importantly, I'm hoping that post-election EVERYONE takes a deep breath and we start to treat each other like neighbors, not enemies.
Jean says
This guy definately handled himself poorley. I do disagree with your polical stance but will not get in to it here. I believe that as unemployment climbs and peoples hours are cut so their company will not have to pay insurance or the fine for not having insurance, folks will begin to see a glimmer of what he was so frustrated about.
Gratitude Coach
Mike says
When he thanked you for destroying the country you could have at least said your welcome.
Kim D says
So true Mike. Will keep that in mind next time. 🙂
Grace says
It's so sad we've come to this. I think that the 'political entertainment complex' has something to do with it, and they're not about to go away quietly. (Hat tip to David Frum for coming up with the term 'conservative entertainment complex' but I think both sides are guilty).
Kim D says
Grace, I agree that the media has contributed to the rancor. I'm all about good public commentary, but the media and press, in my opinion, has moved WAY beyond "fair and balanced."
Patricia R. says
A solid post…one I wish I could pass along to Angry Redneck Guy. Traveling on the beltway in bumper to bumper traffic this spring I was rear-ended by an impatient, (very) large man in a red pick-up truck. Instinctively, I looked behind me to see what had happened and was rear-ended again. We pulled to the side of the road and ARG got out of his truck, cigar stub in mouth and said "You cut me off." I calmly answered that I had been in front of him for at least a mile, so that wasn't likely. Then I asked "Why did you hit me twice???" He shrugged, pointed to my Obama bumper sticker and said "I hate Obama."
How about hoping that Clueless Angry Parents read this post. CAP are the parents of an 8 year old boy at my daughter's school. During recess recently, Spawn of CAP told my daughter's best friend "You can't play with us, black girl." When questioned by the school guidance counselor and principal he said "My mom and dad hate Obama, so I hate black people."
In addition to the very good point of this blog that we start with the person in the mirror, please remember that there are consequences to the anger, be it the horrified feeling of being threatened for your beliefs, for your color or your bumper.
Stepping off my soapbox now…
Kim D says
Wow, Patricia – he hit your car?! OK, that tops my yelling story! And shame on those CAPs: that type of bigotry and hatred is just the worst kind of stupid.
Thanks for stopping by and sharing.
Vicki says
Very well stated..& diplomatic. I'm amazed you did not yell worse language at him. I'm so over all the politics, but also grateful I live in a country where we have the right to go to the polls. There have been many comments here in Fl. about your vote counting…we don't seem to be able to get that part right!
Kim D says
Florida: sigh. My home state really does need to get their act together!
Terry Hanley says
9am……….in the morning ?
I guess my sarcasm was lost. 9am IS in the morning as opposed to 9pm in the evening. lol
Yes, AWM with a minor in "Annoying Spell check/Proofreader Guy" 😉
Kim D says
nice catch mr. hanley. looking for an editor for the 2nd book; you'll have to send me your rates. you know i'm such a virgo i'll have to go back and fix that…
Terry Hanley says
Hahahahahaha…'s an annoying anal trait that I recognize I possess. I see it as a plus, but for most, not so much !
As for my fee, like my sarcasm: Free of charge. 🙂
Terry Hanley says
Wait…….you were accosted at 9am….in the morning ?????
Kim D says
Hi Terry. Yep, was running into Safeway to grab some coffee. It was the Wednesday after the election. AWM just walked right up on me. You think there is any chance he'll read this post?
Eduardo says
i enjoyed this read. fyi, the rich do not like to lose.
Kim D says
LOL Eduardo – love that meme!!
Janet Legere says
Great post, you have a gift for writing 😉 I tend to stay out of politics as I find people become so irrational it's difficult to have an intelligent debate 🙂 LOVED the story!
Kim Dalferes says
Thanks for stopping by Janet (and for the compliments – blushing…). Politics and sports seem to have the ability to bring out the best AND worst in people, don't you think?
Michelle Vandepas says
Another reason I stay out of politics and ignore 99.5% of everything out there. I vote, and stay up with the issues, but I don't engage, watch TV or pay attention on Social Media to politics. It sounds CRAZY out there… I remember when I was small (a lot of years ago) my parents and friends would sit around and actually DISCUSS politics. Sure it might get a bit heated, but they'd have a beer and move on. What happened? I think Ken Star changed all that.
Kim Dalferes says
Michelle, I am so glad you vote – kudos! You would be surprised how many folks just give up on the process. My Dad and I are on opposite ends of the political spectrum, I'm married to someone from "the other party" and yet we seem to be able to, on most occasions, discuss politics and stay civil. It's such a cliche, but, I wish we could all just get along! Thanks for stopping by today.